Alke Martens
Alke Martens
Professor für Informatik, University of Rostock, Germany
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Game-based learning with computers–learning, simulations, and games
A Martens, H Diener, S Malo
Transactions on edutainment I, 172-190, 2008
Technical design report eurogammas proposal for the eli-np gamma beam system
O Adriani, S Albergo, D Alesini, M Anania, D Angal-Kalinin, P Antici, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.3669, 2014
PERLE. Powerful energy recovery linac for experiments. Conceptual design report
D Angal-Kalinin, G Arduini, B Auchmann, J Bernauer, A Bogacz, F Bordry, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 45 (6), 065003, 2018
" Docs'n drugs--the virtual polyclinic": an intelligent tutoring system for web-based and case-oriented training in medicine.
A Martens, J Bernauer, T Illmann, A Seitz
Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium, 433, 2001
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering
L Serafini, A Bacci, A Bellandi, M Bertucci, M Bolognesi, A Bosotti, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Adaptive tutoring processes and mental plans
A Martens, AM Uhrmacher
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 71-80, 2002
Ein Tutoring Prozess Modell für fallbasierte Intelligente Tutoring Systeme
A Martens
AKA-Verlag für Wissenschaft, Medizin und Technik, 2004
Gamification-a structured analysis
A Martens, W Mueller
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2016
A Martens, W Müller
Handbook of Digital Games and Entertainment Technologies 36, 909-931, 2017
Software engineering and modeling in TEL
A Martens
The New Development of Technology Enhanced Learning: Concept, Research and …, 2014
Forschungsherausforderung des e-learnings
J Drummer, S Hambach, A Kienle, U Lucke, A Martens, W Müller, ...
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2011
Towards a pattern language for intelligent teaching and training systems
A Harrer, A Martens
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 298-307, 2006
Centralize the tutoring process in intelligent tutoring systems
A Martens
Proc. of the 5th Internat. Conf. New Educational Environments ICNEE, Lucerne …, 2003
A pattern-oriented design of a web-based and case-oriented multimedia training system in medicine
T Illmann, A Martens, A Seitz, M Weber
An architecture for intelligent support of authoring and tutoring in multimedia learning environments
A Seitz, C Scheuerer, A Martens, J Bernauer, J Thomsen
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 852-857, 1999
Measuring digital transformation in higher education institutions–content validity instrument
LM Castro Benavides, JA Tamayo Arias, D Burgos, A Martens
Applied Computing and Informatics, 2022
A reference architecture for game-based intelligent tutoring
D Maciuszek, A Martens
Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through …, 2011
Combining intelligent tutoring and simulation systems
A Martens, J Himmelspach
Proc. of the Internat. Conference on Simulation in Human Computer Interfaces …, 2005
Component-based development of educational games: The case of the user interface
D Maciuszek, G Ruddeck, A Martens
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Games-based Learning (ECGBL …, 2010
Modeling of adaptive tutoring processes
A Martens
Web-based intelligent e-learning systems: Technologies and applications, 193-215, 2006
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20