Fabio Corbi
Fabio Corbi
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Machine learning can predict the timing and size of analog earthquakes
F Corbi, L Sandri, J Bedford, F Funiciello, S Brizzi, M Rosenau, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (3), 1303-1311, 2019
Characterization of Carbopol® hydrogel rheology for experimental tectonics and geodynamics
E Di Giuseppe, F Corbi, F Funiciello, A Massmeyer, TN Santimano, ...
Tectonophysics 642, 29-45, 2015
Gelatins as rock analogs: A systematic study of their rheological and physical properties
E Di Giuseppe, F Funiciello, F Corbi, G Ranalli, G Mojoli
Tectonophysics 473 (3-4), 391-403, 2009
How caldera collapse shapes the shallow emplacement and transfer of magma in active volcanoes
F Corbi, E Rivalta, V Pinel, F Maccaferri, M Bagnardi, V Acocella
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 431, 287-293, 2015
Analogue earthquakes and seismic cycles: Experimental modelling across timescales
M Rosenau, F Corbi, S Dominguez
Solid Earth 8 (3), 597-635, 2017
How subduction interface roughness influences the occurrence of large interplate earthquakes
E van Rijsingen, S Lallemand, M Peyret, D Arcay, A Heuret, F Funiciello, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (8), 2342-2370, 2018
The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: 2. Dynamic implications of geodynamic simulations validated with laboratory models
Y Van Dinther, TV Gerya, LA Dalguer, F Corbi, F Funiciello, PM Mai
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (4), 1502-1525, 2013
The surface tectonics of mantle lithosphere delamination following ocean lithosphere subduction: Insights from physical‐scaled analogue experiments
OH Göğüş, RN Pysklywec, F Corbi, C Faccenna
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (5), 2011
Stress inversions to forecast magma pathways and eruptive vent location
E Rivalta, F Corbi, L Passarelli, V Acocella, T Davis, MA Di Vito
Science advances 5 (7), eaau9784, 2019
Aseismic transient driving the swarm-like seismic sequence in the Pollino range, Southern Italy
L Passarelli, S Hainzl, S Cesca, F Maccaferri, M Mucciarelli, D Roessler, ...
Geophysical Journal International 201 (3), 1553-1567, 2015
The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: 1. Insights from laboratory models
F Corbi, F Funiciello, M Moroni, Y Van Dinther, PM Mai, LA Dalguer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (4), 1483-1501, 2013
Alluvial terraces on the Ionian coast of northern Calabria, southern Italy: Implications for tectonic and sea level controls
G Robustelli, F Lucà, F Corbi, T Pelle, F Dramis, G Fubelli, F Scarciglia, ...
Geomorphology 106 (3-4), 165-179, 2009
Kinematic analysis of vertical collapse on volcanoes using experimental models time series
J Ruch, V Acocella, N Geshi, A Nobile, F Corbi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B7), 2012
Control of asperities size and spacing on seismic behavior of subduction megathrusts
F Corbi, F Funiciello, S Brizzi, S Lallemand, M Rosenau
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (16), 8227-8235, 2017
Graben formation and dike arrest during the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir dike intrusion in Saudi Arabia: Insights from InSAR, stress calculations and analog experiments
W Xu, S Jónsson, F Corbi, E Rivalta
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (4), 2837-2851, 2016
Seismic variability of subduction thrust faults: Insights from laboratory models
F Corbi, F Funiciello, C Faccenna, G Ranalli, A Heuret
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B6), 2011
Scaling and spatial complementarity of tectonic earthquake swarms
L Passarelli, E Rivalta, S Jónsson, M Hensch, S Metzger, SS Jakobsdóttir, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 62-70, 2018
A two‐step model for dynamical dike propagation in two dimensions: Application to the July 2001 Etna eruption
V Pinel, A Carrara, F Maccaferri, E Rivalta, F Corbi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (2), 1107-1125, 2017
Propagation and arrest of dikes under topography: Models applied to the 2014 Bardarbunga (Iceland) rifting event
S Urbani, V Acocella, E Rivalta, F Corbi
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (13), 6692-6701, 2017
Understanding the link between circumferential dikes and eruptive fissures around calderas based on numerical and analog models
F Corbi, E Rivalta, V Pinel, F Maccaferri, V Acocella
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (12), 6212-6219, 2016
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