andrea carnaghi
andrea carnaghi
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Nomina sunt omina: on the inductive potential of nouns and adjectives in person perception.
A Carnaghi, A Maass, S Gresta, M Bianchi, M Cadinu, L Arcuri
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (5), 839, 2008
Masculine self-presentation and distancing from femininity in gay men: An experimental examination of the role of masculinity threat.
CJ Hunt, F Fasoli, A Carnaghi, M Cadinu
Psychology of Men & Masculinity 17 (1), 108, 2016
Enhancing masculinity by slandering homosexuals: The role of homophobic epithets in heterosexual gender identity
A Carnaghi, A Maass, F Fasoli
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (12), 1655-1665, 2011
The cognitive representation of self-stereotyping
M Latrofa, J Vaes, M Cadinu, A Carnaghi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (7), 911-922, 2010
In-group and out-group perspectives in the use of derogatory group labels: Gay versus fag
A Carnaghi, A Maass
Journal of Language and social Psychology 26 (2), 142-156, 2007
Not “just words”: Exposure to homophobic epithets leads to dehumanizing and physical distancing from gay men
F Fasoli, MP Paladino, A Carnaghi, J Jetten, B Bastian, PG Bain
European Journal of Social Psychology 46 (2), 237-248, 2016
Status and cooperation shape lesbian stereotypes
M Brambilla, A Carnaghi, M Ravenna
Social Psychology, 2011
Emotional egocentricity bias across the life-span
F Riva, C Triscoli, C Lamm, A Carnaghi, G Silani
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 8, 74, 2016
Comparing Self-stereotyping with In-group-stereotyping and Out-group-stereotyping in Unequal-status Groups: The Case of Gender
M Cadinu, M Latrofa, A Carnaghi
Self and Identity 12 (6), 582-596, 2013
Cyberbullying through the lens of social influence: Predicting cyberbullying perpetration from perceived peer-norm, cyberspace regulations and ingroup processes
V Piccoli, A Carnaghi, M Grassi, M Stragà, M Bianchi
Computers in human behavior 102, 260-273, 2020
Subtyping and social consensus: The role of the audience in the maintenance of stereotypic beliefs
A Carnaghi, VY Yzerbyt
European Journal of Social Psychology 37 (5), 902-922, 2007
Reduced empathic responses for sexually objectified women: An fMRI investigation
C Cogoni, A Carnaghi, G Silani
Cortex 99, 258-272, 2018
Social acceptability of sexist derogatory and sexist objectifying slurs across contexts
F Fasoli, A Carnaghi, MP Paladino
Language sciences 52, 98-107, 2015
Labelling and discrimination: Do homophobic epithets undermine fair distribution of resources?
F Fasoli, A Maass, A Carnaghi
British Journal of Social Psychology 54 (2), 383-393, 2015
Comparing group dehumanization and intra-sexual competition among normally ovulating women and hormonal contraceptive users
V Piccoli, F Foroni, A Carnaghi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (12), 1600-1609, 2013
Does sex really sell? Paradoxical effects of sexualization in advertising on product attractiveness and purchase intentions
S Gramazio, M Cadinu, F Guizzo, A Carnaghi
Sex Roles 84 (11), 701-719, 2021
Derogatory language in intergroup context: Are “gay” and “fag” synonymous?
A Carnaghi, A Maass
Stereotype Dynamics, 126-143, 2007
The sexualization–objectification link: Sexualization affects the way people see and feel toward others
P Bernard, C Cogoni, A Carnaghi
Current Directions in Psychological Science 29 (2), 134-139, 2020
The best way to tell you to use a condom: The interplay between message format and individuals’ level of need for cognition
A Carnaghi, M Cadinu, L Castelli, J Kiesner, C Bragantini
AIDS care 19 (3), 432-440, 2007
The impact of homophobic labels on the internalized homophobia and body image of gay men: The moderation role of coming-out
M Bianchi, V Piccoli, D Zotti, F Fasoli, A Carnaghi
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 36 (3), 356-367, 2017
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