Dr. Younes Chahlaoui
Dr. Younes Chahlaoui
Math. Dept, King Khalid University, KSA.
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A collection of benchmark examples for model reduction of linear time invariant dynamical systems.
Y Chahlaoui, P Van Dooren
Niconet, 2002
Second-order balanced truncation
Y Chahlaoui, D Lemonnier, A Vandendorpe, P Van Dooren
Linear algebra and its applications 415 (2-3), 373-384, 2006
Benchmark examples for model reduction of linear time-invariant dynamical systems
Y Chahlaoui, P Van Dooren
Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop held …, 2005
Model reduction of second-order systems
Y Chahlaoui, KA Gallivan, A Vandendorpe, P Van Dooren
Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop held …, 2005
A variety of new rogue wave patterns for three coupled nonlinear Maccari’s models in complex form
N Raza, B Rani, Y Chahlaoui, NA Shah
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (19), 18419-18437, 2023
Recursive calculation of dominant singular subspaces
Y Chahlaoui, K Gallivan, P Van Dooren
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 25 (2), 445-463, 2003
The Jacobi elliptic function method and its application for the stochastic NNV system
A Hussain, Y Chahlaoui, FD Zaman, T Parveen, AM Hassan
Alexandria Engineering Journal 81, 347-359, 2023
Model reduction of time-varying systems
Y Chahlaoui, P Van Dooren
Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems: Proceedings of a Workshop held …, 2005
Optimal system and dynamics of optical soliton solutions for the Schamel KdV equation
A Hussain, Y Chahlaoui, M Usman, FD Zaman, C Park
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 15383, 2023
Estimating Gramians of large-scale time-varying systems
Y Chahlaoui, P Van Dooren
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 35 (1), 325-330, 2002
A novel investigation of dynamical behavior to describe nonlinear wave motion in (3+ 1)-dimensions
M Vivas-Cortez, N Raza, SS Kazmi, Y Chahlaoui, GA Basendwah
Results in Physics 55, 107131, 2023
The H∞-norm calculation for large sparse systems
Y Chahlaoui, K Gallivan, P Van Dooren
Proc. of Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of …, 2004
Dynamical behavior of chaos, bifurcation analysis and soliton solutions to a Konno-Onno model
Y Chahlaoui, A Ali, J Ahmad, S Javed
PLoS One 18 (9), e0291197, 2023
An incremental method for computing dominant singular subspaces
Y Chahlaoui, KA Gallivan, P Van Dooren
SIAM, 2001
Second Order Structure Preserving Balanced Truncation.
Y Chahlaoui, D Lemonnier, A Vandendorpe, P Van Dooren
Model reduction of hybrid switched systems
Y Chahlaoui
The 4th Conference on Trends in Applied Mathematics in Tunisia, Algeria and …, 2009
Study the behavior of soliton solution, modulation instability and sensitive analysis to fractional nonlinear Schrödinger model with Kerr Law nonlinearity
Y Chahlaoui, A Ali, S Javed
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (3), 102567, 2024
A collection of benchmark examples for model reduction of linear time invariant dynamical systems. MIMS EPrint 2008.22
Y Chahlaoui, PM Van Dooren
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK, 2002
Model reduction of switched dynamical systems
Y Chahlaoui
Lie symmetry analysis and propagation of new dynamics of a negative-order model describing fluid flow
Y Chahlaoui, MH Rafiq, A Deifalla, N Raza, NA Shah
Results in Physics 58, 107408, 2024
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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