Rossella Santagata
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The role of lesson analysis in pre-service teacher education: An empirical investigation of teacher learning from a virtual video-based field experience
R Santagata, C Zannoni, JW Stigler
Journal of mathematics teacher education 10, 123-140, 2007
Using video to teach future teachers to learn from teaching
R Santagata, J Guarino
Zdm 43, 133-145, 2011
Measuring usable knowledge: Teachers’ analyses of mathematics classroom videos predict teaching quality and student learning
NB Kersting, KB Givvin, BJ Thompson, R Santagata, JW Stigler
American Educational Research Journal 49 (3), 568-589, 2012
Studying the impact of the lesson analysis framework on preservice teachers’ abilities to reflect on videos of classroom teaching
R Santagata, G Angelici
Journal of teacher education 61 (4), 339-349, 2010
Designing video-based professional development for mathematics teachers in low-performing schools
R Santagata
Journal of teacher education 60 (1), 38-51, 2009
The role of perception, interpretation, and decision making in the development of beginning teachers’ competence
R Santagata, C Yeh
ZDM 48, 153-165, 2016
Cross‐cultural consistency of the demand/withdraw interaction pattern in couples
A Christensen, K Eldridge, AB Catta‐Preta, VR Lim, R Santagata
Journal of Marriage and Family 68 (4), 1029-1044, 2006
Practices and beliefs in mistake-handling activities: A video study of Italian and US mathematics lessons
R Santagata
Teaching and Teacher Education 21 (5), 491-508, 2005
Learning to teach mathematics and to analyze teaching effectiveness: Evidence from a video-and practice-based approach
R Santagata, C Yeh
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 17, 491-514, 2014
Mathematics teacher learning to notice: A systematic review of studies of video-based programs
R Santagata, J König, T Scheiner, H Nguyen, AK Adleff, X Yang, G Kaiser
ZDM–Mathematics Education 53 (1), 119-134, 2021
Teacher noticing: A systematic literature review of conceptualizations, research designs, and findings on learning to notice
J König, R Santagata, T Scheiner, AK Adleff, X Yang, G Kaiser
Educational Research Review 36, 100453, 2022
Problem implementation as a lever for change: An experimental study of the effects of a professional development program on students’ mathematics learning
R Santagata, N Kersting, KB Givvin, JW Stigler
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 4 (1), 1-24, 2010
From teacher noticing to a framework for analyzing and improving classroom lessons
R Santagata
Mathematics teacher noticing, 182-198, 2011
“Are you joking or are you sleeping?” Cultural beliefs and practices in Italian and US teachers’ mistake-handling strategies
R Santagata
Linguistics and Education 15 (1-2), 141-164, 2004
Preservice teachers’ learning to generate evidence-based hypotheses about the impact of mathematics teaching on learning
C Yeh, R Santagata
Journal of Teacher Education 66 (1), 21-34, 2015
Establishing trustworthiness through algorithmic approaches to qualitative research
H Nguyen, J Ahn, A Belgrave, J Lee, L Cawelti, HE Kim, Y Prado, ...
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Second International Conference, ICQE …, 2021
Preparing future teachers to collaborate.
R Santagata, J Guarino
Issues in Teacher Education 21 (1), 59-69, 2012
Professional development processes that promote teacher change: The case of a video-based program focused on leveraging students’ mathematical errors
R Santagata, W Bray
Professional development in education 42 (4), 547-568, 2016
The use of video for teacher education and professional development
R Santagata, R Gallimore, JW Stigler
Preparing teachers to teach with technology, 151-167, 2005
Teaching mathematics: Italian lessons from a cross-cultural perspective
R Santagata, JW Stigler
Mathematical thinking and learning 2 (3), 191-208, 2000
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