Vincent Van Roy
Cited by
Cited by
Technology and employment: Mass unemployment or job creation? Empirical evidence from European patenting firms
V Van Roy, D Vértesy, M Vivarelli
Research policy 47 (9), 1762-1776, 2018
The impact of artificial intelligence on labor productivity
G Damioli, V Van Roy, D Vertesy
Eurasian Business Review 11, 1-25, 2021
The European index of digital entrepreneurship systems
E Autio, L Szerb, É Komlósi, M Tiszberger
V Van Roy et al. (Ed.), JRC Technical Reports 153, 2018
International and domestic technology transfers and productivity growth: firm level evidence
R Belderbos, V Van Roy, F Duvivier
Industrial and corporate change 22 (1), 1-32, 2013
AI and robotics innovation
V Van Roy, D Vertesy, G Damioli
Handbook of labor, human resources and population economics, 1-35, 2020
Academic research strengths and multinational firms' foreign R&D location decisions: Evidence from R&D investments in European regions
R Belderbos, V Van Roy, B Leten, B Thijs
Environment and Planning A 46 (4), 920-942, 2014
AI watch-national strategies on artificial intelligence: A European perspective
V Van Roy, F Rossetti, K Perset, L Galindo-Romero
JRC Research Reports, 2021
AI Watch - National strategies on Artificial Intelligence: A European perspective in 2019
V Van Roy …, 2020
AI technologies and employment: micro evidence from the supply side
G Damioli, V Van Roy, D Vertesy, M Vivarelli
Applied Economic Letters, 2022
Innovation and innovator assessment in R&I ecosystems: the case of the EU Framework Programme
D Nepelski, V Van Roy
The Journal of Technology Transfer 46 (3), 792-827, 2021
An analysis of national research systems (I): A Composite Indicator for Scientific and Technological Research Excellence
S Hardeman, V Van Roy, D Vertesy, M Saisana
JRC scientific and policy reports-EUR 26093 EN, 2013
The organisational and geographic diversity and innovation potential of EU-funded research networks
D Nepelski, V Van Roy, A Pesole
The Journal of Technology Transfer 44 (2), 359-380, 2019
Innovation and employment in patenting firms: Empirical evidence from Europe
V Van Roy, D Vertesy, M Vivarelli
IZA Discussion Paper, 2015
Determinants of high-tech entrepreneurship in Europe
V Van Roy, D Nepelski
Joint Research Centre, science for policy report–EUR 28299, 2017
Digital platform innovation in European SMEs
DN Chiara Eleonora De Marco, Alberto Di Minin, Cristina Marullo
V Van Roy et al. (Eds.), JRC Technical Reports 29690, 2019
The human capital index 2013
V Van Roy, F Rossetti
JRC Statistical Audit on the 2013 Human Capital Index, European Commission …, 2013
AI Watch—National strategies on Artificial Intelligence: A European perspective, 2021 edition. EUR 30745 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg
V Van Roy, F Rossetti, K Perset, L Galindo-Romero
doi 10 (2760), 069178, 2021
Drivers of employment dynamics of AI innovators
G Damioli, V Van Roy, D Vértesy, M Vivarelli
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 201, 123249, 2024
Does trade participation limit domestic firms’ productivity gains from inward foreign direct investment?
R Belderbos, V Van Roy, L Sleuwaegen
Eurasian Business Review 11 (1), 83-109, 2021
Assessment of framework conditions for the creation and growth of firms in Europe
V Van Roy, D Nepelski
Joint Research Centre, JRC Scientific and Policy Reports–EUR 28167, 2016
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Articles 1–20