Branislav Gerazov
Branislav Gerazov
FEEIT, UCMS, Skopje, Macedonia
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Cited by
Deep learning for tumour classification in homogeneous breast tissue in medical microwave imaging
B Gerazov, RC Conceicao
IEEE EUROCON 2017-17th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 564-569, 2017
Atom decomposition-based intonation modelling
PE Honnet, B Gerazov, PN Garner
2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015
Weighted correlation based atom decomposition intonation modelling.
B Gerazov, PE Honnet, A Gjoreski, PN Garner
INTERSPEECH, 1601-1605, 2015
Kernel power flow orientation coefficients for noise-robust speech recognition
B Gerazov, Z Ivanovski
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 23 (2), 407-419, 2014
Tracking of electrical network frequency for the purpose of forensic audio authentication
B Gerazov, Z Kokolanski, G Arsov, V Dimcev
2012 13th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and …, 2012
A novel quasi-diphone inventory approach to Text-To-Speech synthesis
B Gerazov, G Shutinoski, G Arsov
MELECON 2008-The 14th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 799-804, 2008
Towards a system for automatic traffic sound event detection
M Chavdar, B Gerazov, Z Ivanovski, T Kartalov
2020 28th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2020
Simulating vocal learning of spoken language: Beyond imitation
DR van Niekerk, A Xu, B Gerazov, PK Krug, P Birkholz, L Halliday, ...
Speech Communication 147, 51-62, 2023
Modelling microprosodic effects can lead to an audible improvement in articulatory synthesis
PK Krug, B Gerazov, DR van Niekerk, A Xu, Y Xu, P Birkholz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150 (2), 1209-1217, 2021
Analysis of parameters in algorithms for signal processing for swarming of honeybees
A Zlatkova, B Gerazov, D Tashkovski, Z Kokolanski
2020 28th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 1-4, 2020
Modeling Macedonian intonation for text-to-speech synthesis
B Gerazov, Z Ivanovski, R Bilibajkic
Proceedings of the DOGS, 16-18, 2010
Analysis of intonation in the Macedonian language for the purpose of text-to-speech synthesis
B Gerazov, Z Ivanovski
Finding intelligible consonant-vowel sounds using high-quality articulatory synthesis
DR van Niekerk, A Xu, B Gerazov, PK Krug, P Birkholz, Y Xu
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2020
An investigation of muscle models for physiologically based intonation modelling
B Gerazov, PN Garner
2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 468-471, 2015
Analysis of intonation dynamics in Macedonian for the purpose of text to speech synthesis,”
B Gerazov, Z Ivanovski
Proceedings of the TELFOR, 2010
Articulatory synthesis for data augmentation in phoneme recognition
PK Krug, P Birkholz, B Gerazov, DR van Niekerk, A Xu, Y Xu
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2022
Efficient exploration of articulatory dimensions
PK Krug, P Birkholz, B Gerazov, DR van Niekerk, A Xu, Y Xu
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2022
Application of machine learning to predict dielectric properties of in vivo biological tissue
B Gerazov, DA Caligari Conti, L Farina, L Farrugia, CV Sammut, ...
Sensors 21 (20), 6935, 2021
A weighted superposition of functional contours model for modelling contextual prominence of elementary prosodic contours
B Gerazov, G Bailly, Y Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06779, 2018
Pysfc-a system for prosody analysis based on the superposition of functional contours prosody model
B Gerazov, G Bailly
Speech Prosody 2018-9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 774-778, 2018
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Articles 1–20