Spectral properties of banded Toeplitz matrices A Böttcher, SM Grudsky Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005 | 540 | 2005 |
Toeplitz matrices, asymptotic linear algebra and functional analysis A Böttcher, SM Grudsky Springer, 2000 | 262 | 2000 |
On the condition numbers of large semidefinite Toeplitz matrices A Böttcher, SM Grudsky Linear algebra and its applications 279 (1-3), 285-301, 1998 | 104 | 1998 |
Commutative C∗-algebras of Toeplitz operators and quantization on the unit disk S Grudsky, R Quiroga-Barranco, N Vasilevski Journal of Functional Analysis 234 (1), 1-44, 2006 | 98 | 2006 |
TOEPLITZ OPERATORS ON THE UNIT BALL IN ℂ n WITH RADIAL SYMBOLS S Grudsky, A Karapetyants, N Vasilevski Journal of Operator Theory, 325-346, 2003 | 79 | 2003 |
Toeplitz operators on the Fock space: radial component effects SM Grudsky, NL Vasilevski Integral Equations and Operator Theory 44, 10-37, 2002 | 74 | 2002 |
Inside the eigenvalues of certain Hermitian Toeplitz band matrices A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, EA Maksimenko Journal of computational and applied mathematics 233 (9), 2245-2264, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
On a quaternionic Maxwell equation for the time-dependent electromagnetic field in a chiral medium SM Grudsky, KV Khmelnytskaya, VV Kravchenko Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (16), 4641, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Bergman-Toeplitz operators: radial component influence S Grudsky, N Vasilevski Integral Equations and Operator Theory 40 (1), 16-33, 2001 | 67 | 2001 |
Norms of inverses, spectra, and pseudospectra of large truncated Wiener-Hopf operators and Toeplitz matrices A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, B Silbermann New York J. Math 3 (1), 31, 1997 | 66 | 1997 |
Eigenvalues of Hermitian Toeplitz matrices with smooth simple-loop symbols JM Bogoya, A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 422 (2), 1308-1334, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Dynamics of properties of Toeplitz operators on the upper half-plane: Parabolic case S Grudsky, A Karapetyants, N Vasilevski Journal of Operator Theory, 185-214, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |
Dynamics of properties of Toeplitz operators with radial symbols S Grudsky, A Karapetyants, N Vasilevski Integral Equations and Operator Theory 50, 217-253, 2004 | 48 | 2004 |
Eigenvalues of Hermitian Toeplitz matrices generated by simple-loop symbols with relaxed smoothness JM Bogoya, SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko Large Truncated Toeplitz Matrices, Toeplitz Operators, and Related Topics …, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
Radial Toeplitz operators on the unit ball and slowly oscillating sequences SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko, NL Vasilevski | 40 | 2013 |
Soliton theory and Hankel operators S Grudsky, A Rybkin SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 47 (3), 2283-2323, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |
Eigenvectors of Hermitian Toeplitz matrices with smooth simple-loop symbols JM Bogoya, A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko Linear Algebra and its Applications 493, 606-637, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Maximum norm versions of the Szegő and Avram–Parter theorems for Toeplitz matrices JM Bogoya, A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko Journal of Approximation Theory 196, 79-100, 2015 | 35 | 2015 |
Eigenvalues of even very nice Toeplitz matrices can be unexpectedly erratic M Barrera, A Böttcher, SM Grudsky, EA Maximenko The diversity and beauty of applied operator theory, 51-77, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Introduction to the theory of Toeplitz operators with infinite index V Dybin, SM Grudsky Springer Science & Business Media, 2002 | 30 | 2002 |