Aldo Fiori
Aldo Fiori
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Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
Catchment travel time distributions and water flow in soils
A Rinaldo, KJ Beven, E Bertuzzo, L Nicotina, J Davies, A Fiori, D Russo, ...
Water resources research 47 (7), 2011
Concentration fluctuations in aquifer transport: A rigorous first-order solution and applications
A Fiori, G Dagan
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 45 (1-2), 139-163, 2000
Finite Peclet extensions of Dagan's solutions to transport in anisotropic heterogeneous formations
A Fiori
Water Resources Research 32 (1), 193-198, 1996
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 1. Conceptual framework and validity of first‐order approximations
G Dagan, A Fiori, I Janković
Water Resources Research 39 (9), 2003
Impact of climate change on the hydrology of upper Tiber River Basin using bias corrected regional climate model
BM Fiseha, SG Setegn, AM Melesse, E Volpi, A Fiori
Water Resources Management 28, 1327-1343, 2014
The influence of pore‐scale dispersion on concentration statistical moments in transport through heterogeneous aquifers
G Dagan, A Fiori
Water Resources Research 33 (7), 1595-1605, 1997
Modeling flow and transport in highly heterogeneous three‐dimensional aquifers: Ergodicity, Gaussianity, and anomalous behavior—1. Conceptual issues and numerical simulations
I Janković, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 42 (6), 2006
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 3. Numerical simulations and comparison with theoretical results
I Janković, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 39 (9), 2003
Design event selection in bivariate hydrological frequency analysis
E Volpi, A Fiori
Hydrological Sciences Journal 57 (8), 1506-1515, 2012
Steady flow toward wells in heterogeneous formations: Mean head and equivalent conductivity
P Indelman, A Fiori, G Dagan
Water Resources Research 32 (7), 1975-1983, 1996
Is unique scaling of aquifer macrodispersivity supported by field data?
A Zech, S Attinger, V Cvetkovic, G Dagan, P Dietrich, A Fiori, Y Rubin, ...
Water resources research 51 (9), 7662-7679, 2015
Hydraulic structures subject to bivariate hydrological loads: Return period, design, and risk assessment
E Volpi, A Fiori
Water Resources Research 50 (2), 885-897, 2014
Effective conductivity of an isotropic heterogeneous medium of lognormal conductivity distribution
I Jankovic, A Fiori, G Dagan
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 (1), 40-56, 2003
One hundred years of return period: Strengths and limitations
E Volpi, A Fiori, S Grimaldi, F Lombardo, D Koutsoyiannis
Water Resources Research 51 (10), 8570-8585, 2015
Travel time distribution in a hillslope: Insight from numerical simulations
A Fiori, D Russo
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
On preferential flow, channeling and connectivity in heterogeneous porous formations
A Fiori, I Jankovic
Mathematical Geosciences 44, 133-145, 2012
Concentration fluctuations in transport by groundwater: Comparison between theory and field experiments
A Fiori, G Dagan
Water resources research 35 (1), 105-112, 1999
Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 2. Semianalytical results for isotropic media
A Fiori, I Janković, G Dagan
Water resources research 39 (9), 2003
Upscaling of flow in heterogeneous porous formations: Critical examination and issues of principle
G Dagan, A Fiori, I Jankovic
Advances in water resources 51, 67-85, 2013
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