Maria Ranieri
Maria Ranieri
Full Professor of Educational Technology and Media Education, University of Florence
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Facebook and the others. Potentials and obstacles of social media for teaching in higher education
S Manca, M Ranieri
Computers & education 95, 216-230, 2016
Is it a tool suitable for learning? A critical review of the literature on F acebook as a technology‐enhanced learning environment
S Manca, M Ranieri
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 29 (6), 487-504, 2013
Models and instruments for assessing digital competence at school
A Calvani, A Cartelli, A Fini, M Ranieri
Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society 4 (3), 183-193, 2008
Are young generations in secondary school digitally competent? A study on Italian teenagers
A Calvani, A Fini, M Ranieri, P Picci
Computers & Education 58 (2), 797-807, 2012
Are ‘digital natives’ really digitally competent?—A study on Chinese teenagers
Y Li, M Ranieri
British Journal of Educational Technology 41 (6), 1029-1042, 2010
“Yes for sharing, no for teaching!”: Social Media in academic practices
S Manca, M Ranieri
The Internet and Higher Education 29, 63-74, 2016
Why (and how) do teachers engage in social networks? An exploratory study of professional use of F acebook and its implications for lifelong learning
M Ranieri, S Manca, A Fini
British journal of educational technology 43 (5), 754-769, 2012
Is Facebook still a suitable technology‐enhanced learning environment? An updated critical review of the literature from 2012 to 2015
S Manca, M Ranieri
Journal of computer assisted learning 32 (6), 503-528, 2016
Implications of social network sites for teaching and learning. Where we are and where we want to go
S Manca, M Ranieri
Education and information technologies 22, 605-622, 2017
E-learning: modelli e strategie didattiche
M Ranieri
Erickson, 2005
La competenza digitale nella scuola: modelli e strumenti per valutarla e svilupparla
A Calvani, A Fini, M Ranieri
Edizioni Erickson, 2010
Educational and social correlates of the digital divide for rural and urban children: A study on primary school students in a provincial city of China
Y Li, M Ranieri
Computers & Education 60 (1), 197-209, 2013
Le insidie dell'ovvio. Tecnologie educative e critica della retorica tecnocentrica
M Ranieri
ETS, 2011
Assessing digital competence in secondary education-Issues, models and instruments
A Calvani, A Fini, M Ranieri
Issues in information and media literacy: Education, practice and pedagogy …, 2009
Fondamenti di didattica: teoria e prassi dei dispositivi formativi
G Bonaiuti, A Calvani, M Ranieri
Carocci, 2016
Digital Competence in K-12: theoretical models, assessment tools and empirical research
A Calvani, A Fini, M Ranieri
Anàlisi: quaderns de comunicació i cultura, 157-171, 2010
Visualizing and monitoring effective interactions in online collaborative groups
A Calvani, A Fini, M Molino, M Ranieri
British Journal of Educational Technology 41 (2), 213-226, 2010
Fondamenti di didattica
A Calvani
Carocci, 2007
What did we learn from schooling practices during the COVID-19 lockdown
S Carretero Gómez, J Napierala, A Bessios, E Mägi, A Pugacewicz, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2021
I social network nell'educazione: Basi teoriche, modelli applicativi e linee guida
M Ranieri, S Manca
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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