Nicola Antonio Uccella
Nicola Antonio Uccella
professor of Organic Chemistry
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On the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol
G Bisignano, A Tomaino, RL Cascio, G Crisafi, N Uccella, A Saija
Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 51 (8), 971-974, 1999
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of caffeic and ferulic acids as topical photoprotective agents
A Saija, A Tomaino, D Trombetta, A De Pasquale, N Uccella, T Barbuzzi, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 199 (1), 39-47, 2000
Biophenolic components of olives
A Bianco, N Uccella
Food Research International 33 (6), 475-485, 2000
Gas-phase proton affinity of deoxyribonucleosides and related nucleobases by fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry
F Greco, A Liguori, G Sindona, N Uccella
Journal of the American Chemical Society 112 (25), 9092-9096, 1990
Ferulic and caffeic acids as potential protective agents against photooxidative skin damage
A Saija, A Tomaino, RL Cascio, D Trombetta, A Proteggente, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 79 (3), 476-480, 1999
In vitro'evaluation of the antioxidant activity and biomembrane interaction of the plant phenols oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol
A Saija, D Trombetta, A Tomaino, RL Cascio, P Princi, N Uccella, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 166 (2), 123-133, 1998
In vitro antimycoplasmal activity of oleuropein
PM Furneri, A Marino, A Saija, N Uccella, G Bisignano
International journal of antimicrobial agents 20 (4), 293-296, 2002
In vitro antibacterial activity of some aliphatic aldehydes from Olea europaea L.
G Bisignano, MG Laganą, D Trombetta, S Arena, A Nostro, N Uccella, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 198 (1), 9-13, 2001
Semiempirical molecular modeling into quercetin reactive site: structural, conformational, and electronic features
N Russo, M Toscano, N Uccella
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 (8), 3232-3237, 2000
Study on the mechanisms of the antibacterial action of some plant α, β‐unsaturated aldehydes
D Trombetta, A Saija, G Bisignano, S Arena, S Caruso, G Mazzanti, ...
Letters in applied microbiology 35 (4), 285-290, 2002
Olive biophenols: functional effects on human wellbeing
A Saija, N Uccella
Trends in Food Science & Technology 11 (9-10), 357-363, 2000
Microcomponents of olive oil—III. Glucosides of 2 (3, 4-dihydroxy-phenyl) ethanol
A Bianco, RA Mazzei, C Melchioni, G Romeo, ML Scarpati, A Soriero, ...
Food Chemistry 63 (4), 461-464, 1998
Bioactive derivatives of oleuropein from olive fruits
AD Bianco, I Muzzalupo, A Piperno, G Romeo, N Uccella
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 47 (9), 3531-3534, 1999
Olive biophenols: biomolecular characterization, distribution and phytoalexin histochemical localization in the drupes
N Uccella
Trends in Food Science & Technology 11 (9-10), 315-327, 2000
Olive biophenols: novel ethnic and technological approach
N Uccella
Trends in Food Science & Technology 11 (9-10), 328-339, 2000
NMR experiments of oleuropein biomimetic hydrolysis
AD Bianco, A Piperno, G Romeo, N Uccella
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 47 (9), 3665-3668, 1999
Bioorganic applications of mass spectrometry. 3. Fast-atom-bombardment-induced zwitterionic oligonucleotide quasimolecular ions sequenced by MS/MS
M Panico, G Sindona, N Uccella
Journal of the American Chemical Society 105 (17), 5607-5610, 1983
Differences between coumaric and cinnamic acids in membrane permeation as evidenced by time-dependent calorimetry
F Castelli, N Uccella, D Trombetta, A Saija
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 47 (3), 991-995, 1999
Analysis by HPLC-MS/MS of biophenolic components in olives and oils
A Bianco, F Buiarelli, G Cartoni, F Coccioli, I Muzzalupo, A Polidori, ...
Analytical letters 34 (6), 1033-1051, 2001
Mechanistic information from deuterium isotope effects on mass spectral processes: The elimination of ketene from acetanilides and the subsequent loss of HNC
N Uccella, I Howe, DH Williams
Organic Mass Spectrometry 6 (2), 229-233, 1972
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Articles 1–20