Claudio Vitari
Claudio Vitari
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Affordance theory in the IS discipline: A review and synthesis of the literature
G Pozzi, F Pigni, C Vitari
Investments in big data analytics and firm performance: an empirical investigation of direct and mediating effects
E Raguseo, C Vitari
International Journal of Production Research 56 (15), 5206-5221, 2018
When are extreme ratings more helpful? Empirical evidence on the moderating effects of review characteristics and product type
R Filieri, E Raguseo, C Vitari
Computers in Human Behavior 88, 134-142, 2018
Microeconomic degrowth: The case of Community Supported Agriculture
NT Lê, M Bloemmen, R Bobulescu, C Vitari
Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print), 2015
Microeconomic degrowth: the case of community supported agriculture
M Bloemmen, R Bobulescu, NT Le, C Vitari
Ecological Economics 112, 110-115, 2015
What moderates the influence of extremely negative ratings? The role of review and reviewer characteristics
R Filieri, E Raguseo, C Vitari
International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 333-341, 2019
The effect of brand on the impact of e-WOM on hotels’ financial performance
E Raguseo, C Vitari
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 21 (2), 249-269, 2017
Extremely negative ratings and online consumer review helpfulness: the moderating role of product quality signals
R Filieri, E Raguseo, C Vitari
Journal of Travel Research 60 (4), 699-717, 2021
Big data analytics business value and firm performance: linking with environmental context
C Vitari, E Raguseo
International Journal of Production Research 58 (18), 5456-5476, 2020
Profiting from big data analytics: The moderating roles of industry concentration and firm size
E Raguseo, C Vitari, F Pigni
International Journal of Production Economics 229, 107758, 2020
The intention to use an electronic health record and its antecedents among three different categories of clinical staff
C Vitari, R Ologeanu-Taddei
BMC health services research 18 (1), 194, 2018
Sustainable management models: innovating through Permaculture
C Vitari, C David
Journal of Management Development 36 (1), 14-36, 2017
Improving KMS acceptance: The role of organizational and individuals' influence
C Vitari, J Moro, A Ravarini, I Bourdon
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 3 (2), 68-90, 2007
Improving KMS acceptance: the role of organizational and individuals' influence
C Vitari, J Moro, A Ravarini, I Bourdon
International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) 3 (2), 68-90, 2007
Big data value and financial performance: an empirical investigation
C Vitari, E Raguseo
HAL, 2016
Digital data, dynamic capability and financial performance: an empirical investigation in the era of Big Data
C Vitari, E Raguseo
Systèmes d'information & management 21 (3), 63-92, 2016
Streams of digital data and competitive advantage: The mediation effects of process efficiency and product effectiveness
E Raguseo, F Pigni, C Vitari
Information & Management 58 (4), 103451, 2021
An analysis framework for the evaluation of content management systems
C Vitari, A Ravarini, F Rodhain
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 18 (1), 37, 2007
A longitudinal analysis of trajectory changes in the software industry: the case of the content management application segment
C Vitari, A Ravarini
European journal of information systems 18 (3), 249-263, 2009
Slow management: Entreprendre la transition
C Vitari, A Ashta, R Bobulescu, M Bloemmen, M Lepesant, D Bratu, I Né, ...
Pearson Education France, 2013
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Articles 1–20