Anna Moliterni
Cited by
Cited by
SIR97: a new tool for crystal structure determination and refinement
A Altomare, MC Burla, M Camalli, GL Cascarano, C Giacovazzo, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 32 (1), 115-119, 1999
EXPO2013: a kit of tools for phasing crystal structures from powder data
A Altomare, C Cuocci, C Giacovazzo, A Moliterni, R Rizzi, N Corriero, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46 (4), 1231-1235, 2013
EXPO: a program for full powder pattern decomposition and crystal structure solution
A Altomare, MC Burla, M Camalli, B Carrozzini, GL Cascarano, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 32 (2), 339-340, 1999
QUALX2. 0: a qualitative phase analysis software using the freely available database POW_COD
A Altomare, N Corriero, C Cuocci, A Falcicchio, A Moliterni, R Rizzi
Journal of Applied Crystallography 48 (2), 598-603, 2015
EXPO2009: structure solution by powder data in direct and reciprocal space
A Altomare, M Camalli, C Cuocci, C Giacovazzo, A Moliterni, R Rizzi
Journal of Applied Crystallography 42 (6), 1197-1202, 2009
The analytical calculation of absorption in multifaceted crystals
A Altomare, MC Burla, M Camalli, GL Cascarano, C Giacovazzo, ...
J. Appl. Crystallogr 32 (115), e119, 1999
EXTRA: a program for extracting structure-factor amplitudes from powder diffraction data
A Altomare, MC Burla, G Cascarano, C Giacovazzo, A Guagliardi, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 28 (6), 842-846, 1995
New techniques for indexing: N-TREOR in EXPO
A Altomare, C Giacovazzo, A Guagliardi, AGG Moliterni, R Rizzi, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 33 (4), 1180-1186, 2000
Automatic structure determination from powder data with EXPO2004
A Altomare, R Caliandro, M Camalli, C Cuocci, C Giacovazzo, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 37 (6), 1025-1028, 2004
A package for crystal structure solution by direct methods and refinement
A Altomare, G Cascarano, C Giacovazzo, A Guagliardi, AGG Moliterni, ...
Universities of Bari, Perugia and Roma, Italy, 1997
Advances in powder diffraction pattern indexing: N-TREOR09
A Altomare, G Campi, C Cuocci, L Eriksson, C Giacovazzo, A Moliterni, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 42 (5), 768-775, 2009
Quanto: a Rietveld program for quantitative phase analysis of polycrystalline mixtures
A Altomare, MC Burla, C Giacovazzo, A Guagliardi, AGG Moliterni, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 34 (3), 392-397, 2001
Solving crystal structures from powder data. IV. The use of the Patterson information for estimating the| F|'s
A Altomare, J Foadi, C Giacovazzo, AGG Moliterni, MC Burla, G Polidori
Journal of applied crystallography 31 (1), 74-77, 1998
QUALX: a computer program for qualitative analysis using powder diffraction data
A Altomare, C Cuocci, C Giacovazzo, A Moliterni, R Rizzi
Journal of Applied Crystallography 41 (4), 815-817, 2008
Ab initio structure determination of Li2MnO3 from X-ray powder diffraction data
V Massarotti, M Bini, D Capsoni, A Altomare, AGG Moliterni
Journal of applied crystallography 30 (2), 123-127, 1997
Tuning of the Berry curvature in 2D perovskite polaritons
L Polimeno, G Lerario, M De Giorgi, L De Marco, L Dominici, F Todisco, ...
Nature nanotechnology 16 (12), 1349-1354, 2021
On the number of statistically independent observations in a powder diffraction pattern
A Altomare, G Cascarano, C Giacovazzo, A Guagliardi, AGG Moliterni, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 28 (6), 738-744, 1995
Crystal structure, DFT studies and thermal characterization of new luminescent stannate (IV) based inorganic-organic hybrid compound
I Sayer, N Dege, H Ghalla, A Moliterni, H Naïli
Journal of Molecular Structure 1224, 129266, 2021
Space-group determination from powder diffraction data: a probabilistic approach
A Altomare, R Caliandro, M Camalli, C Cuocci, I Silva, C Giacovazzo, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 37 (6), 957-966, 2004
Direct observation of a lithiated oxirane: a synergistic study using spectroscopic, crystallographic, and theoretical methods on the structure and stereodynamics of lithiated …
A Salomone, FM Perna, A Falcicchio, SON Lill, A Moliterni, R Michel, ...
Chemical Science 5 (2), 528-538, 2014
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Articles 1–20