Dimitrios Kleftogiannis
Dimitrios Kleftogiannis
University of Bergen
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DEEP: a general computational framework for predicting enhancers
D Kleftogiannis, P Kalnis, VB Bajic
Nucleic acids research 43 (1), e6-e6, 2015
DWFS: a wrapper feature selection tool based on a parallel genetic algorithm
O Soufan, D Kleftogiannis, P Kalnis, VB Bajic
PloS one 10 (2), e0117988, 2015
Progress and challenges in bioinformatics approaches for enhancer identification
D Kleftogiannis, P Kalnis, VB Bajic
Briefings in bioinformatics 17 (6), 967-979, 2016
Genome-wide plasma DNA methylation features of metastatic prostate cancer
A Wu, P Cremaschi, D Wetterskog, V Conteduca, GM Franceschini, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 130 (4), 1991-2000, 2020
Tissue-specific cell-free DNA degradation quantifies circulating tumor DNA burden
G Zhu, YA Guo, D Ho, P Poon, ZW Poh, PM Wong, A Gan, MM Chang, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2229, 2021
DENdb: database of integrated human enhancers
H Ashoor, D Kleftogiannis, A Radovanovic, VB Bajic
Database 2015, bav085, 2015
Where we stand, where we are moving: Surveying computational techniques for identifying miRNA genes and uncovering their regulatory role
D Kleftogiannis, A Korfiati, K Theofilatos, S Likothanassis, A Tsakalidis, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 46 (3), 563-573, 2013
Ultra-sensitive mutation detection and genome-wide DNA copy number reconstruction by error-corrected circulating tumor DNA sequencing
S Mansukhani, LJ Barber, D Kleftogiannis, SY Moorcraft, M Davidson, ...
Clinical chemistry 64 (11), 1626-1635, 2018
In Vivo Modeling of Chemoresistant Neuroblastoma Provides New Insights into Chemorefractory Disease and Metastasis
O Yogev, GS Almeida, KT Barker, SL George, C Kwok, J Campbell, ...
Cancer research 79 (20), 5382-5393, 2019
Comparing memory-efficient genome assemblers on stand-alone and cloud infrastructures
D Kleftogiannis, P Kalnis, VB Bajic
PloS one 8 (9), e75505, 2013
YamiPred: A novel evolutionary method for predicting pre-miRNAs and selecting relevant features
D Kleftogiannis, K Theofilatos, S Likothanassis, S Mavroudi
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 12 (5 …, 2015
EnsembleGASVR: a novel ensemble method for classifying missense single nucleotide polymorphisms
T Rapakoulia, K Theofilatos, D Kleftogiannis, S Likothanasis, A Tsakalidis, ...
Bioinformatics 30 (16), 2324-2333, 2014
Early response evaluation by single cell signaling profiling in acute myeloid leukemia
BS Tislevoll, M Hellesøy, OHE Fagerholt, SE Gullaksen, A Srivastava, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 115, 2023
A common approach for consumer and provider fairness in recommendations
D Sacharidis, K Mouratidis, D Kleftogiannis
ACM 2431, 1, 2019
The Human Interactome Knowledge Base (HINT-KB): an integrative human protein interaction database enriched with predicted protein–protein interaction scores using a novel …
K Theofilatos, C Dimitrakopoulos, S Likothanassis, D Kleftogiannis, ...
Artificial Intelligence Review 42, 427-443, 2014
Identification of single nucleotide variants using position-specific error estimation in deep sequencing data
D Kleftogiannis, M Punta, A Jayaram, S Sandhu, SQ Wong, ...
BMC Medical Genomics 12, 1-12, 2019
Development, application and evaluation of a 1-D full life cycle anchovy and sardine model for the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)
A Gkanasos, S Somarakis, K Tsiaras, D Kleftogiannis, M Giannoulaki, ...
PloS one 14 (8), e0219671, 2019
Predicting human miRNA target genes using a novel computational intelligent framework
A Korfiati, K Theofilatos, D Kleftogiannis, C Alexakos, S Likothanassis, ...
Information Sciences 294, 576-585, 2015
Detection of genomic alterations in breast cancer with circulating tumour DNA sequencing
D Kleftogiannis, D Ho, JX Liew, PSY Poon, A Gan, RCH Ng, BKT Tan, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 16774, 2020
Circulating Tumour DNA Sequencing Identifies a Genetic Resistance-Gap in Colorectal Cancers with Acquired Resistance to EGFR-Antibodies and Chemotherapy
FH Knebel, LJ Barber, A Newey, D Kleftogiannis, A Woolston, B Griffiths, ...
Cancers 12 (12), 3736, 2020
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Articles 1–20