Leonardo Marotta
Cited by
Cited by
Challenges to the assessment of benthic populations and biodiversity as a result of rhythmic behaviour: Video solutions from cabled observatories
J Aguzzi, JB Company, C Costa, M Matabos, E Azzurro, A Manuel, ...
Oceanography and Marine Biology-An Annual Review 50, 235, 2012
Behavioural rhythms challenges to marine ecological studies: cabled observatory video solutions
MLBNPIG Aguzzi J., Company J.B., Costa C., Matabos M
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 50, 233-284, 2012
A Web-based spatial decision supporting system for land management and soil conservation
F Terribile, A Agrillo, A Bonfante, G Buscemi, M Colandrea, A D'Antonio, ...
Solid Earth 6 (3), 903-928, 2015
The influence of light availability and predatory behavior of the decapod crustacean Nephrops norvegicus on the activity rhythms of continental margin prey decapods
J Aguzzi, N Bahamon, L Marotta
Marine Ecology 30 (3), 366-375, 2009
A geospatial decision support system to assist olive growing at the landscape scale
P Manna, A Bonfante, M Colandrea, C Di Vaio, G Langella, L Marotta, ...
Computers and electronics in agriculture 168, 105143, 2020
A decision-support system in ICZM for protecting the ecosystems: integration with the habitat directive
L Marotta, L Ceccaroni, G Matteucci, P Rossini, S Guerzoni
Journal of Coastal Conservation 15 (3), 393-405, 2011
La via francigena in Italia
V Bettini, L Marotta, SS Tosi
Ediciclo, 2011
Modulation of activity rhythms in continental margin decapods by light availability and predatory behaviour of Nephrops norvegicus
J Aguzzi, N Bahamon, L Marotta
Marine Ecology 30, 366-375, 2009
Biorhythms challenge to stock and biodiversity assessments: cabled observatories video-solutions
J Aguzzi, C Costa, M Matabos, E Azzurro, A Mànuel, P Menesatti, F Sardà, ...
Ocean. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 50, 233-284, 2012
Downscaling indicators of integrated coastal zone management in the Mediterranean Sea
L Marotta, A Cecchi, E Ridolfi, F Breton, L Ceccaroni
Proceedings Littoral, 164-168, 2008
Pregio naturalistico del settore costiero antistante l’ex Ospedale al Mare (isola di Lido–Venezia)
L Filesi, F Antinori, B Enrico, A Borgo, S Castelli, A Manzini, L Marotta, ...
The Irrigation Advisory Program of Campania Region: from research to operational support for the Water Directive in Agriculture
C De Michele, F Vuolo, G D’Urso, L Marotta, K Richter
Proceedings of 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment …, 2009
Incidence of wheezing asthma, rhinitis, urticaria and conjunctivitis in a pediatric emergency department
F Orazzo, P Vuilleumier, L Marotta, R Sottile, F Esposito, P Cavaliere
La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica: Medical and Surgical Pediatrics 16 (1), 29-31, 1994
A framework for sustainable land planning in ICZM: cellular automata simulation and landscape ecology metrics
A Fiduccia, L Cattozzo, L Filesi, L Marotta, L Gugliermetti
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2020: 20th International …, 2020
Ecosystem indicators and landscape ecology metrics as a tool to evaluate sustainable land planning in ICZM
A Fiduccia, L Cattozzo, L Marotta, L Filesi, L Gugliermetti
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 561-576, 2019
ICZM Technologies for integrating data and support decision making
L Marotta
Instrumentation Viewpoint, 93-93, 2010
Indici di qualità ambientale nella gestione integrata della fascia costiera
L Marotta, D Vicinanza
Studi costieri 4, 83-98, 2001
Architettura, città, società. Il progetto degli spazi del lavoro
S Marini, A Bertagna, F Gastaldi
Università Iuav di Venezia, 2012
A web‐based operational tool for the identification of best practices in European agricultural systems
M Bancheri, A Basile, F Terribile, G Langella, M Botta, D Lezzi, ...
Land Degradation & Development 35 (13), 3965-3980, 2024
La via Francigena in Europa: da via della fede a tracciato di unione dei popoli
V Bettini, L Filesi, L Marotta, A Michelon, SS Tosi
La via Francigena in Europa: da via della fede a tracciato di unione dei popoli, 2015
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Articles 1–20