Martina Nagy
Martina Nagy
Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
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Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues
AT Lu, Z Fei, A Haghani, TR Robeck, JA Zoller, CZ Li, R Lowe, Q Yan, ...
Nature aging 3 (9), 1144-1166, 2023
Complex vocal imitation during ontogeny in a bat
M Knörnschild, M Nagy, M Metz, F Mayer, O von Helversen
Biology letters 6 (2), 156-159, 2010
DNA methylation predicts age and provides insight into exceptional longevity of bats
GS Wilkinson, DM Adams, A Haghani, AT Lu, J Zoller, CE Breeze, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1615, 2021
Bat echolocation calls facilitate social communication
M Knörnschild, K Jung, M Nagy, M Metz, E Kalko
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1748), 4827-4835, 2012
Female-biased dispersal and patrilocal kin groups in a mammal with resource-defence polygyny
M Nagy, G Heckel, CC Voigt, F Mayer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1628), 3019-3025, 2007
Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues
AT Lu, Z Fei, A Haghani, TR Robeck, JA Zoller, CZ Li, R Lowe, Q Yan, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.01. 18.426733, 2021
Songs, Scents, and Senses: Sexual Selection in the Greater Sac-Winged Bat, Saccopteryx bilineata
CC Voigt, O Behr, B Caspers, O von Helversen, M Knörnschild, F Mayer, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 89 (6), 1401-1410, 2008
DNA methylation networks underlying mammalian traits
A Haghani, CZ Li, TR Robeck, J Zhang, AT Lu, J Ablaeva, ...
Science 381 (6658), eabq5693, 2023
Territorial songs indicate male quality in the sac-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Chiroptera, Emballonuridae)
O Behr, O Von Helversen, G Heckel, M Nagy, CC Voigt, F Mayer
Behavioral Ecology 17 (5), 810-817, 2006
Learned vocal group signatures in the polygynous bat Saccopteryx bilineata
M Knörnschild, M Nagy, M Metz, F Mayer, O von Helversen
Animal Behaviour 84 (4), 761-769, 2012
Highly diversified coronaviruses in neotropical bats
VM Corman, A Rasche, TD Diallo, VM Cottontail, A Stöcker, BFCD Souza, ...
Journal of General Virology 94 (9), 1984-1994, 2013
Kinship, association, and social complexity in bats
GS Wilkinson, G Carter, KM Bohn, B Caspers, G Chaverri, D Farine, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73, 1-15, 2019
Mitigating bat mortality with turbine-specific curtailment algorithms: A model based approach
O Behr, R Brinkmann, K Hochradel, J Mages, F Korner-Nievergelt, ...
Wind Energy and Wildlife Interactions: Presentations from the CWW2015 …, 2017
Akustische Erfassung der Fledermausaktivität an Windenergieanlagen
N Weber, M Nagy, K Hochradel, J Mages, A Naucke, A Schneider, ...
Bestimmung des Kollisionsrisikos von Fledermäusen an Onshore …, 2018
MHC-dependent mate choice is linked to a trace-amine-associated receptor gene in a mammal
PSC Santos, A Courtiol, AJ Heidel, OP Höner, I Heckmann, M Nagy, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38490, 2016
Female‐biased dispersal in a bat with a female‐defence mating strategy
M Nagy, L Günther, M Knörnschild, F Mayer
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1733-1745, 2013
Reduktion des Kollisionsrisikos von Fledermäusen an Onshore-Windenergieanlagen (RENEBAT II)
O Behr, R Brinkmann, F Korner-Nievergelt, M Nagy, I Niermann, M Reich, ...
Umwelt und Raum; 7, 2016
Bat songs as acoustic beacons-male territorial songs attract dispersing females
M Knörnschild, S Blüml, P Steidl, M Eckenweber, M Nagy
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13918, 2017
Babbling in a vocal learning bat resembles human infant babbling
AA Fernandez, LS Burchardt, M Nagy, M Knörnschild
Science 373 (6557), 923-926, 2021
Male greater sac-winged bats gain direct fitness benefits when roosting in multimale colonies
M Nagy, M Knörnschild, CC Voigt, F Mayer
Behavioral Ecology 23 (3), 597-606, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20