Jose Oscar Fajardo
Jose Oscar Fajardo
Research Staff, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Technology pillars in the architecture of future 5G mobile networks: NFV, MEC and SDN
B Blanco, JO Fajardo, I Giannoulakis, E Kafetzakis, S Peng, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 54, 216-228, 2017
Improving content delivery efficiency through multi-layer mobile edge adaptation
JO Fajardo, I Taboada, F Liberal
IEEE Network 29 (6), 40-46, 2015
Introducing mobile edge computing capabilities through distributed 5G cloud enabled small cells
JO Fajardo, F Liberal, I Giannoulakis, E Kafetzakis, V Pii, I Trajkovska, ...
Mobile networks and applications 21, 564-574, 2016
Video quality prediction models based on video content dynamics for H. 264 video over UMTS networks
A Khan, L Sun, E Ifeachor, JO Fajardo, F Liberal, H Koumaras
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 2010 (1), 608138, 2010
Exploitation of mobile edge computing in 5G distributed mission-critical push-to-talk service deployment
R Solozabal, A Sanchoyerto, E Atxutegi, B Blanco, JO Fajardo, F Liberal
IEEE Access 6, 37665-37675, 2018
Video quality prediction model for H. 264 video over UMTS networks and their application in mobile video streaming
A Khan, L Sun, E Ifeachor, JO Fajardo, F Liberal
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
QoE‐Oriented Mobile Edge Service Management Leveraging SDN and NFV
S Peng, JO Fajardo, PS Khodashenas, B Blanco, F Liberal, C Ruiz, ...
Mobile Information Systems 2017 (1), 3961689, 2017
Radio-aware service-level scheduling to minimize downlink traffic delay through mobile edge computing
JO Fajardo, I Taboada, F Liberal
Mobile Networks and Management: 7th International Conference, MONAMI 2015 …, 2015
Enabling technologies and benefits of multi-tenant multi-service 5G small cells
I Giannoulakis, JO Fajardo, JG Lloreda, PS Khodashenas, C Ruiz, ...
2016 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 42-46, 2016
A Robust Optimization Based Energy‐Aware Virtual Network Function Placement Proposal for Small Cell 5G Networks with Mobile Edge Computing Capabilities
B Blanco, I Taboada, JO Fajardo, F Liberal
Mobile Information Systems 2017 (1), 2603410, 2017
QoE–aware optimization of multimedia flow scheduling
I Taboada, F Liberal, JO Fajardo, U Ayesta
Computer Communications 36 (15-16), 1629-1638, 2013
Service mapping and orchestration over multi-tenant cloud-enabled RAN
PS Khodashenas, B Blanco, MA Kourtis, I Taboada, G Xilouris, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14 (4), 904-919, 2017
Impact of end devices on subjective video quality assessment for QCIF video sequences
A Khan, L Sun, JO Fajardo, I Taboada, F Liberal, E Ifeachor
2011 Third International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, 177-182, 2011
QoE and*-awareness in the Future Internet.
F Liberal, JO Fajardo, H Koumaras
Future Internet Assembly, 293-302, 2009
MPLS-VRF integration: forwarding capabilities of BGP/MPLS IP VPN in GNU/Linux
JA Picó, JO Fajardo, A Muńoz, A Ferro
2008 international conference on optical network design and modeling, 1-6, 2008
European NG112 Crossroads: Toward a new emergency communications framework
F Liberal, JO Fajardo, C Lumbreras, W Kampichler
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (1), 132-138, 2017
Service provisioning and pricing methods in a multi-tenant cloud enabled RAN
PS Khodashenas, C Ruiz, JF Riera, JO Fajardo, I Taboada, B Blanco, ...
2016 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), 1-6, 2016
Impact of the video slice size on the visual quality for H. 264 over 3G UMTS services
JO Fajardo, F Liberal, N Bilbao
2009 Sixth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks …, 2009
Design of virtual infrastructure manager with novel VNF placement features for edge clouds in 5G
R Solozabal, B Blanco, JO Fajardo, I Taboada, F Liberal, E Jimeno, ...
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 18th International Conference …, 2017
Design of cognitive cycles in 5G networks
B Blanco, JO Fajardo, F Liberal
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2016
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Articles 1–20