Luigi Borzì
Luigi Borzì
Assistant Professor @ Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino
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Prediction of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease using Wearables and Machine Learning
L Borzí, I Mazzetta, A Zampogna, A Suppa, G Olmo, F Irrera
Sensors 21 (2), 614, 2021
Deep learning and wearable sensors for the diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
L Sigcha, L Borzì, F Amato, I Rechichi, C Ramos-Romero, A Cárdenas, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 229, 120541, 2023
An algorithm for Parkinson’s disease speech classification based on isolated words analysis
F Amato, L Borzì, G Olmo, JR Orozco-Arroyave
Health Information Science and Systems 9, 1-15, 2021
Home monitoring of motor fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease patients
L Borzì, M Varrecchia, G Olmo, CA Artusi, M Fabbri, MG Rizzone, ...
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 5 (3), 145-162, 2019
Real-time detection of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease using multi-head convolutional neural networks and a single inertial sensor
L Borzì, L Sigcha, D Rodríguez-Martín, G Olmo
Artificial intelligence in medicine 135, 102459, 2023
Improvement of Performance in Freezing of Gait detection in Parkinson’s Disease using Transformer networks and a single waist-worn triaxial accelerometer
L Sigcha, L Borzì, I Pavón, N Costa, S Costa, P Arezes, JM López, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 116, 105482, 2022
Smartphone-Based Estimation of Item 3.8 of the MDS-UPDRS-III for Assessing Leg Agility in People With Parkinson's Disease
L Borzì, M Varrecchia, S Sibille, G Olmo, CA Artusi, M Fabbri, MG Rizzone, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 1, 140-147, 2020
A multi-modal analysis of the freezing of gait phenomenon in Parkinson’s disease
L Mesin, P Porcu, D Russu, G Farina, L Borzì, W Zhang, Y Guo, G Olmo
Sensors 22 (7), 2613, 2022
Predicting Axial Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease through a Single Inertial Sensor
L Borzì, I Mazzetta, A Zampogna, A Suppa, F Irrera, G Olmo
Sensors 22 (2), 412, 2022
A new index to assess turning quality and postural stability in patients with Parkinson's disease
L Borzì, G Olmo, CA Artusi, M Fabbri, MG Rizzone, A Romagnolo, ...
Biomedical signal processing and control 62, 102059, 2020
Detection of freezing of gait in people with Parkinson’s disease using smartphones
L Borzı, G Olmo, CA Artusi, L Lopiano
IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2020
Single‐channel EEG classification of sleep stages based on REM microstructure
I Rechichi, M Zibetti, L Borzì, G Olmo, L Lopiano
Healthcare Technology Letters, 1-8, 2021
Bradykinesia detection in Parkinson’s disease using smartwatches’ inertial sensors and deep learning methods
L Sigcha, B Domínguez, L Borzì, N Costa, S Costa, P Arezes, JM López, ...
Electronics 11 (23), 3879, 2022
Speech impairment in Parkinson’s disease: acoustic analysis of unvoiced consonants in Italian native speakers
F Amato, L Borzì, G Olmo, CA Artusi, G Imbalzano, L Lopiano
IEEE Access 9, 166370-166381, 2021
Smartphone-based evaluation of postural stability in Parkinson’s disease patients during quiet stance
L Borzì, S Fornara, F Amato, G Olmo, CA Artusi, L Lopiano
Electronics 9 (6), 919, 2020
Sleep quality through vocal analysis: a telemedicine application
F Amato, I Rechichi, L Borzì, G Olmo
2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2022
Context recognition algorithms for energy-efficient freezing-of-gait detection in Parkinson’s disease
L Borzì, L Sigcha, G Olmo
Sensors 23 (9), 4426, 2023
Wearable sensors for supporting diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases
F Demrozi, L Borzì, G Olmo
Electronics 12 (6), 1269, 2023
Unveiling the Unpredictable in Parkinson’s Disease: Sensor-Based Monitoring of Dyskinesias and Freezing of Gait in Daily Life
A Zampogna, L Borzì, D Rinaldi, CA Artusi, G Imbalzano, M Patera, ...
Bioengineering 11 (5), 440, 2024
Correlation between wearable inertial sensor data and standardised Parkinson’s disease axial impairment measures using machine learning
L Borzì, A Manoni, A Zampogna, F Irrera, A Suppa, G Olmo
2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 732-736, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20