Anne Solaz
Cited by
Cited by
Gender differences in time use over the life course in France, Italy, Sweden, and the US
D Anxo, L Mencarini, A Pailhé, A Solaz, ML Tanturri, L Flood
Feminist economics 17 (3), 159-195, 2011
Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) Towards a better understanding of relationships and processes in the life course
A Vikat, Z Spéder, G Beets, FC Billari, C Bühler, A Désesquelles, ...
Demographic research 17, 389-440, 2007
Labour market effects of parental leave policies in OECD countries
O Thévenon, A Solaz
OECD, 2013
Le temps domestique et parental des hommes et des femmes: quels facteurs d'évolutions en 25 ans?
C Champagne, A Pailhé, A Solaz
Économie et statistique 478 (1), 209-242, 2015
The influence of employment uncertainty on childbearing in France: A tempo or quantum effect?
A Pailhé, A Solaz
Demographic research 26, 1-40, 2012
Vie professionnelle et naissance: la charge de la conciliation repose essentiellement sur les femmes
A Pailhé, A Solaz
Population & sociétés, 1-4, 2006
Entre famille et travail: des arrangements de couple aux pratiques des employeurs
A Pailhé, A Solaz
La Découverte, 2009
Household production in a collective model: some new results
B Rapoport, C Sofer, A Solaz
Journal of Population Economics 24, 23-45, 2011
The great convergence: Gender and unpaid work in Europe and the United States
A Pailhé, A Solaz, M Stanfors
Population and Development Review 47 (1), 181-217, 2021
Concilier, organiser, renoncer: quel genre d'arrangements?
A Pailhé, A Solaz
Travail, genre et sociétés 24 (2), 29-46, 2010
Family life and work
IE Kotowska, A Matysiak, M Styrc, A Pailhé, A Solaz, D Vignoli
European Foundation for the Improvment of Living and Working Condition, 2010
Part-time wage penalties for women in prime age: A matter of selection or segregation? Evidence from four European countries
E Matteazzi, A Pailhé, A Solaz
ILR Review 67 (3), 955-985, 2014
Time with Children: Do Fathers and Mothers Replace Each Other When One Parent is Unemployed? Le temps consacré aux enfants: les parents se substituent-ils l’un à l’autre quand …
A Pailhe, A Solaz
European Journal of Population/Revue Européenne de Démographie 24, 211-236, 2008
The economic impact of taking short parental leave: Evaluation of a French reform
O Joseph, A Pailhé, I Recotillet, A Solaz
Labour Economics 25, 63-75, 2013
Unemployment, marriage, and cohabitation in France
O Ekert-Jaffe, A Solaz
The Journal of socio-economics 30 (1), 75-98, 2001
Inflexions des trajectoires professionnelles des hommes et des femmes après la naissance d’enfants
A Pailhé, A Solaz
Revue des politiques sociales et familiales 90 (1), 5-16, 2007
Les inégalités sociales à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire: un bilan du premier confinement
M Barhoumi, A Jonchery, P Lombardo, S Le Minez, T Mainaud, ...
France, Portrait social. Édition 2020, 11-44, 2020
Racing against the biological clock? Childbearing and sterility among men and women in second unions in France: Une course contre la montre? Fécondité et stérilité des hommes …
E Beaujouan, A Solaz
European Journal of Population/Revue Européenne de Démographie 29, 39-67, 2013
The impact of center-based childcare attendance on early child development: Evidence from the French Elfe cohort
LM Berger, L Panico, A Solaz
Demography 58 (2), 419-450, 2021
Is the family size of parents and children still related? Revisiting the cross-generational relationship over the last century
E Beaujouan, A Solaz
Demography 56 (2), 595-619, 2019
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Articles 1–20