On the rate of convergence for the mean field approximation of many-body quantum dynamics Z Ammari, M Falconi, B Pawilowski Communications in Mathematical Sciences 14 (5), 1417 - 1442, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Entanglement Hamiltonians: from field theory to lattice models and experiments M Dalmonte, V Eisler, M Falconi, B Vermersch Annalen der Physik 534 (11), 2200064, 2022 | 39 | 2022 |
Bohr's correspondence principle for the renormalized Nelson model Z Ammari, M Falconi SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (6), 5031-5095, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Wigner measures approach to the classical limit of the Nelson model: Convergence of dynamics and ground state energy Z Ammari, M Falconi Journal of Statistical Physics 157 (2), 330-362, 2014 | 37 | 2014 |
Classical limit of the Nelson model with cutoff M Falconi Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (1), 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Effective potentials generated by field interaction in the quasi-classical limit M Correggi, M Falconi Annales Henri Poincaré 19, 189-235, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Quasi-classical dynamics M Correggi, M Falconi, M Olivieri Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25 (2), 731-783, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Self-Adjointness criterion for operators in Fock spaces M Falconi Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 18 (1), 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
The dilute Fermi gas via Bogoliubov theory M Falconi, EL Giacomelli, C Hainzl, M Porta Annales Henri Poincaré 22, 2283-2353, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Magnetic Schrödinger Operators as the Quasi-Classical Limit of Pauli-Fierz-type Models M Correggi, M Falconi, M Olivieri arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.07413, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Cylindrical wigner measures M Falconi Documenta Mathematica 23, 1677-1756, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Scattering theory for Lindblad master equations M Falconi, J Faupin, J Fröhlich, B Schubnel Communications in Mathematical Physics 2016, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Ground state properties in the quasiclassical regime M Correggi, M Falconi, M Olivieri Analysis & PDE 16 (8), 1745-1798, 2023 | 15 | 2023 |
Concentration of cylindrical Wigner measures M Falconi Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Mode regularization for N= 1, 2 SUSY Sigma model R Bonezzi, M Falconi Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (10), 019, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
On some rigorous aspects of fragmented condensation D Dimonte, M Falconi, A Olgiati Nonlinearity 34 (1), 1, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Emergence of time-dependent point interactions in polaron models R Carlone, M Correggi, M Falconi, M Olivieri SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53 (4), 4657-4691, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Towards a derivation of Classical ElectroDynamics of charges and fields from QED Z Ammari, M Falconi, F Hiroshima arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.05015, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Microscopic derivation of time-dependent point interactions R Carlone, M Correggi, M Falconi, M Olivieri arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.11012, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Global Solution of the Electromagnetic Field-Particle System of Equations M Falconi Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (10), 101502, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |