Petra Kralj Novak
Petra Kralj Novak
Central European University, Austria, and Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
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Sentiment of emojis
P Kralj Novak, J Smailović, B Sluban, I Mozetič
PloS one 10 (12), e0144296, 2015
Supervised descriptive rule discovery: A unifying survey of contrast set, emerging pattern and subgroup mining
P Kralj Novak, N Lavrač, GI Webb
Journal of Machine Learning Research 10 (Feb), 377-403, 2009
Emotional dynamics in the age of misinformation
F Zollo, P Kralj Novak, M Del Vicario, A Bessi, I Mozetič, A Scala, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0138740, 2015
Real‐time PCR detection systems for Flavescence dorée and Bois noir phytoplasmas in grapevine: comparison with conventional PCR detection and application in diagnostics
M Hren, J Boben, A Rotter, P Kralj, K Gruden, M Ravnikar
Plant pathology 56 (5), 785-796, 2007
Stance and influence of Twitter users regarding the Brexit referendum
M Grčar, D Cherepnalkoski, I Mozetič, P Kralj Novak
Computational social networks 4 (1), 6, 2017
Dynamics of online hate and misinformation
M Cinelli, A Pelicon, I Mozetič, W Quattrociocchi, PK Novak, F Zollo
Scientific reports 11 (1), 22083, 2021
Closed Sets for Labeled Data
GC Garriga, P Kralj, N Lavrač
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 559-580, 2008
Leveraging contextual embeddings for detecting diachronic semantic shift
M Martinc, P Novak, Kralj Novak, S Pollak
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020
Cohesiveness in financial news and its relation to market volatility
M Piškorec, N Antulov-Fantulin, P Kralj Novak, I Mozetič, M Grčar, ...
Scientific reports 4, 5038, 2014
SegMine workflows for semantic microarray data analysis in Orange4WS
V Podpečan, N Lavrač, I Mozetič, P Kralj Novak, I Trajkovski, L Langohr, ...
BMC bioinformatics 12 (1), 416, 2011
Using ontologies in semantic data mining with segs and g-segs
N Lavrač, A Vavpetič, L Soldatova, I Trajkovski, P Kralj Novak
International Conference on Discovery Science, 165-178, 2011
GMOtrack: generator of cost-effective GMO testing strategies
P Kralj Novak, K Gruden, D Morisset, N Lavra, A Rotter
Journal of AOAC International 92 (6), 1739-1746, 2009
Contrast set mining for distinguishing between similar diseases
P Kralj, N Lavrač, D Gamberger, A Krstačić
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 11th Conference on Artificial …, 2007
Retweet communities reveal the main sources of hate speech
B Evkoski, A Pelicon, I Mozetič, N Ljubešić, P Kralj Novak
PloS one 17 (3), e0265602, 2022
GMOseek: a user friendly tool for optimized GMO testing
D Morisset, P Kralj Novak, D Zupanič, K Gruden, N Lavrač, J Žel
BMC Bioinformatics 15, 258, 2014
CSM-SD: Methodology for contrast set mining through subgroup discovery
P Kralj Novak, N Lavrač, D Gamberger, A Krstačić
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 42 (1), 113-122, 2009
Community evolution in retweet networks
B Evkoski, I Mozetič, N Ljubešić, P Kralj Novak
Plos One 16 (9),, 2021
Contrast set mining through subgroup discovery applied to brain ischaemina data
P Kralj, N Lavrač, D Gamberger, A Krstačić
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 11th Pacific-Asia …, 2007
Embeddia at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Detecting Hate with Neural Network and Transfer Learning Approaches
A Pelicon, M Martinc, P Kralj Novak
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2019
Towards semantic data mining with g-SEGS
P Kralj Novak, A Vavpetic, I Trajkovski, N Lavrac
Proceedings of the 11th International Multiconference Information Society …, 2009
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Articoli 1–20