Andrea Cucco
Andrea Cucco
CNR-IAS (National Research Council, Institute for study of Anthropic Impacts
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A finite element model for the Venice Lagoon. Development, set up, calibration and validation
G Umgiesser, DM Canu, A Cucco, C Solidoro
Journal of Marine Systems 51 (1-4), 123-145, 2004
Modeling the Venice Lagoon residence time
A Cucco, G Umgiesser
Ecological modelling 193 (1-2), 34-51, 2006
Comparative hydrodynamics of 10 Mediterranean lagoons by means of numerical modeling
G Umgiesser, C Ferrarin, A Cucco, F De Pascalis, D Bellafiore, M Ghezzo, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (4), 2212-2226, 2014
Predicting future thermal habitat suitability of competing native and invasive fish species: from metabolic scope to oceanographic modelling
S Marras, A Cucco, F Antognarelli, E Azzurro, M Milazzo, M Bariche, ...
Conservation physiology 3 (1), cou059, 2015
Eulerian and lagrangian transport time scales of a tidal active coastal basin
A Cucco, G Umgiesser, C Ferrarin, A Perilli, DM Canu, C Solidoro
Ecological Modelling 220 (7), 913-922, 2009
On the development and verification of a 2-D coupled wave-current model on unstructured meshes
A Roland, A Cucco, C Ferrarin, TW Hsu, JM Liau, SH Ou, G Umgiesser, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 78, S244-S254, 2009
Oil spill hazard and risk assessment for the shorelines of a Mediterranean coastal archipelago
A Olita, A Cucco, S Simeone, A Ribotti, L Fazioli, B Sorgente, R Sorgente
Ocean & Coastal Management 57, 44-52, 2012
A partition of the Venice Lagoon based on physical properties and analysis of general circulation
C Solidoro, DM Canu, A Cucco, G Umgiesser
Journal of Marine Systems 51 (1-4), 147-160, 2004
Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: a critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project …
MA Peck, C Arvanitidis, M Butenschön, DM Canu, E Chatzinikolaou, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 40-55, 2018
A high-resolution real-time forecasting system for predicting the fate of oil spills in the Strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean Sea)
A Cucco, M Sinerchia, A Ribotti, A Olita, L Fazioli, A Perilli, B Sorgente, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 64 (6), 1186-1200, 2012
Links between hydrology and sedimentology in the Lagoon of Venice, Italy
E Molinaroli, S Guerzoni, A Sarretta, A Cucco, G Umgiesser
Journal of Marine Systems 68 (3-4), 303-317, 2007
Tide-surge-wave modelling and forecasting in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the Italian coast
C Ferrarin, A Roland, M Bajo, G Umgiesser, A Cucco, S Davolio, A Buzzi, ...
Ocean Modelling 61, 38-48, 2013
Changes in Venice Lagoon dynamics due to construction of mobile barriers
M Ghezzo, S Guerzoni, A Cucco, G Umgiesser
Coastal Engineering 57 (7), 694-708, 2010
Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: The Lagoons of Venice and Cabras, Italy
E Molinaroli, S Guerzoni, G De Falco, A Sarretta, A Cucco, S Como, ...
Sedimentary Geology 219 (1-4), 196-207, 2009
A finite element operational model for storm surge prediction in Venice
M Bajo, L Zampato, G Umgiesser, A Cucco, P Canestrelli
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75 (1-2), 236-249, 2007
Toward homogenization of Mediterranean lagoons and their loss of hydrodiversity
C Ferrarin, M Bajo, D Bellafiore, A Cucco, F De Pascalis, M Ghezzo, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (16), 5935-5941, 2014
A metabolic scope based model of fish response to environmental changes
A Cucco, M Sinerchia, C Lefrançois, P Magni, M Ghezzo, G Umgiesser, ...
Ecological Modelling 237, 132-141, 2012
Development and validation of a finite element morphological model for shallow water basins
C Ferrarin, G Umgiesser, A Cucco, TW Hsu, A Roland, CL Amos
Coastal Engineering 55 (9), 716-731, 2008
Modelling fluxes of water and sediment between Venice Lagoon and the sea
C Ferrarin, A Cucco, G Umgiesser, D Bellafiore, CL Amos
Continental Shelf Research 30 (8), 904-914, 2010
Intrabasinal conditions promoting the development of a biogenic carbonate sedimentary facies associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica
G De Falco, M Baroli, A Cucco, S Simeone
Continental Shelf Research 28 (6), 797-812, 2008
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