Combined design of PSS and STATCOM controllers for power system stability enhancement A Rohani, M Tirtashi, R Noroozian Journal of Power Electronics 11 (5), 734-742, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Impedance matching for VSC–HVDC and energy storage damping controllers MRS Tirtashi, O Samuelsson, J Svensson IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (2), 1016-1017, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
VSC-HVDC application to improve the long-term voltage stability MRS Tirtashi, J Svensson, O Samuelsson 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
PSS and STATCOM controller design for damping power system oscillations using fuzzy control strategies MRS Tirtashi, A Rohani, R Noroozian 2010 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 901-906, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
SMES and CES controllers design for load frequency stabilization in two-area interconnected system J Gholinezhad, MRS Tirtashi, R Noroozian 2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Control strategies for reactive shunts to improve long-term voltage stability MRS Tirtashi, O Samuelsson, J Svensson 2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-5, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
TCPS controller design using fuzzy logic controller for power system stability enhancement MRS Tirtashi, K Mazlumi, A Rohani 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 195-199, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Comparison of TCSC and PSS state feedback controller performances on damping of power system oscillations using PSO S Jalilzadeh, R Noroozian, MRS Tirtashi, P Farhang 2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-5, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Coordinated design of output feedback PSS and UPFC controllers for enhancing dynamic stability of power system MRS Tirtashi, A Rouhani, E Naghibi Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7 (11), 1805-12, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Long-term voltage collapse analysis on a reduced order nordic system model MRS Tirtashi, O Samuelsson, J Svensson 2014 49th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Design of Output Feedback Controller for PSS and TCSC by GA to improve the Damping of Power System Oscillations A Jalilvand, MRS Tirtashi 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 178-182, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
PSS and SVC controller design by Chaos and PSO algorithms to enhancing the power system stability S Jalilzadeh, MR Tirtashi, M Sadeghi Word Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 67, 689-693, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
Combined design of VSC-HVDC and PSS controllers for LFO damping enhancement P Farhang, MRS Tirtashi, R Noroozian, GB Gharehpetian Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 36 (4), 529-540, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Impedance matching for VSC-HVDC damping controller gain selection MRS Tirtashi, O Samuelsson, J Svensson, R Pates IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (5), 5226-5235, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Dynamic and static analysis of the shunt capacitors control effect on the long-term voltage instability MRS Tirtashi, O Samuelsson, J Svensson 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Multi objective fitness function based state feedback controllers for PSS and TCSC to cope with the low frequency oscillations PF S Jalilzadeh, R Noroozian, MRS Tirtashi Journal of Electrical Engineering 1, 119-125, 2012 | 3* | 2012 |
Operation and control of wind farm connected to grid using multiterminal VSC-HVDC MRS Tirtashi, R Noroozian 2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
TCPS controller design using PSO and chaos algorithm to damping the power system oscillations MRS Tirtashi, K Mazlumi, M Sadeghi ECTI-CON2010: The 2010 ECTI International Confernce on Electrical …, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Control of reactive shunts-voltage stability and restoration MRS Tirtashi Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lund University, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
PSO based state feedback controller design for SVC to enhance the stability of power system MRST Saeid Jalilzadeh, Peyman Farhang International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2 (8), 2012 | 1 | 2012 |