Giacomo Ferretti
Giacomo Ferretti
University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Science
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High resolution short-term investigation of soil CO2, N2O, NOx and NH3 emissions after different chabazite zeolite amendments
G Ferretti, KM Keiblinger, M Zimmermann, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, ...
Applied soil ecology 119, 138-144, 2017
Natural and NH4+-enriched zeolitite amendment effects on nitrate leaching from a reclaimed agricultural soil (Ferrara Province, Italy)
B Faccini, D Di Giuseppe, G Ferretti, M Coltorti, N Colombani, ...
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 110, 327-341, 2018
Leaching behaviour of a sandy soil amended with natural and NH4+ and K+ saturated clinoptilolite and chabazite
M Eslami, R Khorassani, M Coltorti, D Malferrari, B Faccini, G Ferretti, ...
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 64 (8), 1142-1151, 2018
Short-term response of soil microbial biomass to different chabazite zeolite amendments
G Ferretti, KM Keiblinger, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, N Colombani, ...
Pedosphere 28 (2), 277-287, 2018
Isotherms, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics of NH4+ Adsorption in Raw Liquid Manure by Using Natural Chabazite Zeolite-Rich Tuff
G Galamini, G Ferretti, V Medoro, N Tescaro, B Faccini, M Coltorti
Water 12 (10), 2944, 2020
Mitigation of sodium risk in a sandy agricultural soil by the use of natural zeolites
G Ferretti, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Coltorti
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-12, 2018
Distinct particle films impacts on olive leaf optical properties and plant physiology
A Rotondi, L Morrone, O Facini, B Faccini, G Ferretti, M Coltorti
Foods 10 (6), 1291, 2021
Subduction-related melt refertilisation and alkaline metasomatism in the Eastern Transylvanian Basin lithospheric mantle: Evidence from mineral chemistry and noble gases in …
B Faccini, AL Rizzo, C Bonadiman, T Ntaflos, I Seghedi, M Grégoire, ...
Lithos 364, 105516, 2020
CN elemental and isotopic investigation in agricultural soils: Insights on the effects of zeolitite amendments
G Ferretti, D Di Giuseppe, C Natali, B Faccini, G Bianchini, M Coltorti
Geochemistry 77 (1), 45-52, 2017
Inferring the interconnections between surface water bodies, tile-drains and an unconfined aquifer–aquitard system: a case study
N Colombani, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, G Ferretti, M Mastrocicco, ...
Journal of hydrology 537, 86-95, 2016
Reducing nitrogen fertilization in olive growing by the use of natural chabazite-zeolitite as soil improver
V Medoro, G Ferretti, G Galamini, A Rotondi, L Morrone, B Faccini, ...
Land 11 (9), 1471, 2022
Estimated water savings in an agricultural field amended with natural zeolites
N Colombani, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, G Ferretti, M Mastrocicco, ...
Environmental Processes 3, 617-628, 2016
Gross Ammonification and Nitrification Rates in Soil Amended with Natural and NH4-Enriched Chabazite Zeolite and Nitrification Inhibitor DMPP
G Ferretti, G Galamini, E Deltedesco, M Gorfer, J Fritz, B Faccini, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2605, 2021
Impact of sequential treatments with natural and na-exchanged chabazite zeolite-rich tuff on pig-slurry chemical composition
G Ferretti, G Galamini, V Medoro, M Coltorti, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini
Water 12 (2), 310, 2020
Recycling nitrogen from liquid digestate via novel reactive struvite and zeolite minerals to mitigate agricultural pollution
G Galamini, G Ferretti, C Rosinger, S Huber, V Medoro, A Mentler, ...
Chemosphere 317, 137881, 2023
Shallow submarine mud volcano in the northern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy
A Saroni, A Sciarra, F Grassa, A Eich, M Weber, C Lott, G Ferretti, R Ivaldi, ...
Applied Geochemistry 122, 104722, 2020
15N Natural Abundance, Nitrogen and Carbon Pools in Soil-Sorghum System Amended with Natural and NH4+-Enriched Zeolitites
G Ferretti, B Faccini, L Vittori Antisari, D Di Giuseppe, M Coltorti
Applied Sciences 9 (21), 4524, 2019
Is it possible to cultivate corn in a sustainable way using a quarry waste?
D Di Giuseppe, G Ferretti, B Faccini, E Blasi, N Passeri, G Bianchini, ...
Periodico di Mineralogia 85 (2), 2016
Abnormal trace element concentrations in a shallow aquifer belonging to saline reclaimed environments, Codigoro (Italy)
M Mastrocicco, N Colombani, D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, G Ferretti, ...
Rendiconti Lincei 27, 95-104, 2016
Yield and quality of maize grown on a loamy soil amended with natural chabazite zeolitite
D Di Giuseppe, B Faccini, M Melchiorre, G Ferretti, M Coltorti, G Ciuffreda, ...
EQA-International Journal of Environmental Quality 17, 35-45, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20