Hilde Gunnink
Cited by
Cited by
Genetic substructure and complex demographic history of South African Bantu speakers
D Sengupta, A Choudhury, C Fortes-Lima, S Aron, G Whitelaw, K Bostoen, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-13, 2021
A grammar of Fwe
H Gunnink
Language Science Press, 2022
Prehistoric Bantu-Khoisan language contact: A cross-disciplinary approach
B Pakendorf, H Gunnink, B Sands, K Bostoen
Language Dynamics and Change 7 (1), 1-46, 2017
The grammatical structure of Sowetan tsotsitaal
H Gunnink
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 32 (2), 161-171, 2014
Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages
H Gunnink, B Sands, B Pakendorf, K Bostoen
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 36 (2), 193-232, 2015
The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa
CA Fortes-Lima, C Burgarella, R Hammarén, A Eriksson, M Vicente, ...
Nature 625 (7995), 540-547, 2024
Clicks on the fringes of the Kalahari Basin Area
B Sands, H Gunnink
Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from the 47th …, 2019
Divergence and contact in Southern Bantu language and population history: a new phylogeny in cross-disciplinary perspective
H Gunnink, N Chousou-Polydouri, K Bostoen
Language Dynamics and Change 13 (1), 74-131, 2022
Language contact between Khoisan and Bantu languages: The case of Setswana
H Gunnink
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 38 (1), 27-45, 2020
The Impact of Autochthonous Languages on Bantu Language Variation: A Comparative View on Southern and Central Africa
K Bostoen, H Gunnink
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact: Volume 1: Population Movement …, 2022
Click loss and click insertion in Fwe
H Gunnink
Click consonants, 156-178, 2020
The fronted-infinitive construction in Fwe
H Gunnink
6th International Conference on Bantu Languages, 2016
A linguistic analysis of Sowetan Zulu and Sowetan Tsotsi
H Gunnink
MA thesis for ResMA Linguistics: Structure and Variation in the Languages of …, 2012
The early history of clicks in Nguni
H Gunnink
Diachronica 39 (3), 311-368, 2022
Genetic-substructure and complex demographic history of South African Bantu speakers
D Sengupta, A Choudhury, C Fortes-Lima, S Aron, G Whitelaw, K Bostoen, ...
bioRxiv, 2020
Locative clitics in Fwe
H Gunnink
Africana Linguistica 23, 119-136, 2017
Aspect and Evidentiality in Four Bantu Languages
TM Crane, H Gunnink, P Kanijo, T Roth
Beyond Aspectual Semantics: Explorations in the Pragmatic and Cognitive …, 2024
8 Neglected functions of the Bantu applicative in relation to Locations: new insights from Fwe (K402)
H Gunnink, S Pacchiarotti
Applicative Morphology: Neglected Syntactic and Non-syntactic Functions 373, 189, 2022
A grammar sketch of the Shetjhauba variety of Shekgalagadi
H Gunnink
Studies in African Linguistics 51 (1), 2022
Morphological Khoisan influence in the Southern African Bantu language Yeyi
H Gunnink
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 43 (1), 3-35, 2022
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Articles 1–20