Sarada Prasad Gochhayat
Sarada Prasad Gochhayat
IIT Jammu
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Cited by
LISA: Lightweight context-aware IoT service architecture
SP Gochhayat, P Kaliyar, M Conti, P Tiwari, VBS Prasath, D Gupta, ...
Journal of cleaner production 212, 1345-1356, 2019
Measuring decentrality in blockchain based systems
SP Gochhayat, S Shetty, R Mukkamala, P Foytik, GA Kamhoua, L Njilla
IEEE Access 8, 178372-178390, 2020
Reliable and secure data transfer in IoT networks
SP Gochhayat, C Lal, L Sharma, DP Sharma, D Gupta, JAM Saucedo, ...
Wireless Networks 26 (8), 5689-5702, 2020
Privacy aware data deduplication for side channel in cloud storage
CM Yu, SP Gochhayat, M Conti, CS Lu
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 8 (2), 597-609, 2018
A noble double-dictionary-based ECG compression technique for IoTH
J Qian, P Tiwari, SP Gochhayat, HM Pandey
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 10160-10170, 2020
Sentiment analysis for airlines services based on Twitter dataset
P Tiwari, P Yadav, S Kumar, BK Mishra, GN Nguyen, SP Gochhayat, ...
Social Network Analytics: Computational Research Methods and Techniques 149 …, 2018
EnergIoT: A solution to improve network lifetime of IoT devices
QQ Li, SP Gochhayat, M Conti, FA Liu
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 42, 124-133, 2017
Yugala: Blockchain based encrypted cloud storage for IoT data
SP Gochhayat, E Bandara, S Shetty, P Foytik
2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 483-489, 2019
Edge computing ai-iot integrated energy-efficient intelligent transportation system for smart cities
S Chavhan, D Gupta, SP Gochhayat, CB N, A Khanna, K Shankar, ...
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 22 (4), 1-18, 2022
Emerging directions for blockchainized 6G
A Kalla, C De Alwis, SP Gochhayat, G Gür, M Liyanage, P Porambage
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 13 (2), 42-51, 2022
Formal modeling and verification of a blockchain-based crowdsourcing consensus protocol
H Afzaal, M Imran, MU Janjua, SP Gochhayat
Ieee Access 10, 8163-8183, 2022
Distributed active learning strategies on edge computing
J Qian, SP Gochhayat, LK Hansen
2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing …, 2019
A blockchain simulator for evaluating consensus algorithms in diverse networking environments
P Foytik, S Shetty, SP Gochhayat, E Herath, D Tosh, L Njilla
2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), 1-12, 2020
A novel hybrid PSO assisted optimization for classification of intellectual disability using speech signal
G Aggarwal, R Monga, SP Gochhayat
Wireless Personal Communications 113 (4), 1955-1971, 2020
Performance Analysis of a Priority based Resource Allocation Scheme in Ubiquitous Networks.
SP Gochhayat, P Venkataram
J. Wirel. Mob. Networks Ubiquitous Comput. Dependable Appl. 4 (3), 23-40, 2013
Emergency access control management via attribute based encrypted QR codes
S Belguith, SP Gochhayat, M Conti, G Russello
2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 1-8, 2018
Spot the difference: Your bucket is leaking: A novel methodology to expose A/B testing effortlessly
M Conti, A Gangwal, SP Gochhayat, G Tolomei
2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 1-7, 2018
Cloud-based simulation platform for quantifying cyber-physical systems resilience
MA Haque, SP Gochhayat, S Shetty, B Krishnappa
Simulation for cyber-physical systems engineering: A Cloud-based Context …, 2020
Performance analysis of a node monitoring protocol in ubiquitous networks
SP Gochhayat, P Venkataram
Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal 8 (1), 1347-1358, 2013
An efficient way of providing information in ubiquitous tourist system
SP Gochhayat, P Venkataram
2015 6th International Conference of Information and Communication …, 2015
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Articles 1–20