Mikael Asplund
Cited by
Cited by
Attitudes and perceptions of IoT security in critical societal services
M Asplund, S Nadjm-Tehrani
IEEE Access 4, 2130-2138, 2016
Blockchain-based event processing in supply chains—A case study at IKEA
T Sund, C Lööf, S Nadjm-Tehrani, M Asplund
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 65, 101971, 2020
Exploiting bro for intrusion detection in a SCADA system
R Udd, M Asplund, S Nadjm-Tehrani, M Kazemtabrizi, M Ekstedt
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System …, 2016
Emerging information infrastructures: Cooperation in disasters
M Asplund, S Nadjm-Tehrani, J Sigholm
International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, 258-270, 2008
UAVouch: a secure identity and location validation scheme for UAV-networks
CFE de Melo, TD e Silva, F Boeira, JM Stocchero, A Vinel, M Asplund, ...
IEEE Access 9, 82930-82946, 2021
Timing-based anomaly detection in SCADA networks
CY Lin, S Nadjm-Tehrani, M Asplund
Critical Information Infrastructures Security: 12th International Conference …, 2018
Effects of colluding Sybil nodes in message falsification attacks for vehicular platooning
F Boeira, MP Barcellos, EP de Freitas, A Vinel, M Asplund
2017 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 53-60, 2017
Permissioned blockchains and distributed databases: A performance study
S Bergman, M Asplund, S Nadjm‐Tehrani
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (12), e5227, 2020
A partition-tolerant manycast algorithm for disaster area networks
M Asplund, S Nadjm-Tehrani
2009 28th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 156-165, 2009
Why is fingerprint-based indoor localization still so hard?
B Viel, M Asplund
2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2014
Communication problems in crisis response
J Lundberg, M Asplund
8th International ISCRAM Conference, 2011
Vouch: A secure proof-of-location scheme for vanets
F Boeira, M Asplund, MP Barcellos
Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis …, 2018
A formal approach to autonomous vehicle coordination
M Asplund, A Manzoor, M Bouroche, S Clarke, V Cahill
FM 2012: Formal Methods: 18th International Symposium, Paris, France, August …, 2012
Decentralized proof of location in vehicular ad hoc networks
F Boeira, M Asplund, M Barcellos
Computer Communications 147, 98-110, 2019
Anomaly detection and mitigation for disaster area networks
J Cucurull, M Asplund, S Nadjm-Tehrani
International Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 339-359, 2010
Decentralized firmware attestation for in-vehicle networks
M Khodari, A Rawat, M Asplund, A Gurtov
Proceedings of the 5th on Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop, 47-56, 2019
Mitigating position falsification attacks in vehicular platooning
F Boeira, M Asplund, MP Barcellos
2018 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-4, 2018
Trust evaluation for participatory sensing
A Manzoor, M Asplund, M Bouroche, S Clarke, V Cahill
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services: 9th …, 2013
A Student's View of Concurrency-A Study of Common Mistakes in Introductory Courses on Concurrency
F Strömbäck, L Mannila, M Asplund, M Kamkar
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education …, 2019
Resource footprint of a manycast protocol implementation on multiple mobile platforms
EJ Vergara, S Nadjm-Tehrani, M Asplund, U Zurutuza
2011 Fifth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications …, 2011
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Articles 1–20