Raffaella Lovreglio
Raffaella Lovreglio
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Root reinforcement dynamics of European coppice woodlands and their effect on shallow landslides: A review
C Vergani, F Giadrossich, P Buckley, M Conedera, M Pividori, F Salbitano, ...
Earth-science reviews 167, 88-102, 2017
Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments
P Corona, D Ascoli, A Barbati, G Bovio, G Colangelo, M Elia, V Garfì, ...
Annals of Silvicultural Research 39 (1), 1-22, 2015
Assessing long‐term fire risk at local scale by means of decision tree technique
G Amatulli, MJ Rodrigues, M Trombetti, R Lovreglio
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 111 (G4), 2006
Human factors of fire occurrence in the Mediterranean
V Leone, R Lovreglio, MP Martín, J Martínez, L Vilar
Earth observation of wildland fires in Mediterranean ecosystems, 149-170, 2009
The human factor in fire danger assessment
V Leone, N Koutsias, J Martínez, C Vega-García, B Allgöwer, R Lovreglio
Wildland fire danger estimation and mapping: the role of remote sensing data …, 2003
Goat grazing as a wildfire prevention tool: A basic review
R Lovreglio, O Meddour-Sahar, V Leone
Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 7 (4), 260, 2014
Anatomic basis and insulation of serotinous cones in Pinus halepensis Mill
D Moya, A Saracino, R Salvatore, R Lovreglio, J de Las Heras, V Leone
Trees 22, 511-519, 2008
Wildfire cause analysis: four case-studies in southern Italy
R Lovreglio, V Leone, P Giaquinto, A Notarnicola
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 3 (1), 8, 2010
Modeling fire ignition probability and frequency using Hurdle models: A cross-regional study in Southern Europe
M D’Este, A Ganga, M Elia, R Lovreglio, V Giannico, G Spano, ...
Ecological Processes 9, 1-14, 2020
Cost-effectiveness of fuel removals in Mediterranean wildland-urban interfaces threatened by wildfires
M Elia, R Lovreglio, NA Ranieri, G Sanesi, R Lafortezza
Forests 7 (7), 149, 2016
Analysis of forest fires causes and their motivations in northern Algeria: the Delphi method
O Meddour-Sahar, R Meddour, V Leone, R Lovreglio, A Derridj
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 6 (5), 247, 2013
Conservation of Mediterranean pine woodlands: scenarios and legislative tools
V Leone, R Lovreglio
Plant Ecology 171, 221-235, 2004
Developing custom fire behavior fuel models for Mediterranean wildland–urban interfaces in southern Italy
M Elia, R Lafortezza, R Lovreglio, G Sanesi
Environmental management 56, 754-764, 2015
Forest fires and anthropic influences: a study case (Gargano National Park, Italy)
V Leone, R Lovreglio, J Martinez-Fernandez
Forest fire research and wild-land fire safety. Mill Press, Rotterdam, 11-28, 2002
Morphological and anatomical differences in Aleppo pine seeds from serotinous and non-serotinous cones
R Salvatore, D Moya, L Pulido, R Lovreglio, FR López-Serrano, ...
New Forests 39, 329-341, 2010
Supporting a shift in wildfire management from fighting fires to thriving with fires: The need for translational wildfire science
F Tedim, S McCaffrey, V Leone, C Vazquez-Varela, Y Depietri, P Buergelt, ...
Forest Policy and Economics 131, 102565, 2021
Human fire causes: A challenge for modeling
V Leone, R Lovreglio
4th International Workshop on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications to Forest …, 2003
Wildfire burnt area patterns and trends in Western Mediterranean Europe via the application of a concentration index
D Royé, F Tedim, J Martin‐Vide, M Salis, J Vendrell, R Lovreglio, ...
Land Degradation & Development 31 (3), 311-324, 2020
Gli incendi boschivi stanno cambiando: cambiamo le strategie per governarli
G Bovio, M Marchetti, L Tonarelli, M Salis, G Vacchiano, R Lovreglio, ...
Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology 14 (1), 202, 2017
Harmonized dataset of surface fuels under Alpine, temperate and Mediterranean conditions in Italy. A synthesis supporting fire management
D Ascoli, G Vacchiano, C Scarpa, B Arca, A Barbati, G Battipaglia, M Elia, ...
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 13 (6), 513, 2020
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Articles 1–20