Tingting Wu
Tingting Wu
Assistant Professor, School of Psychology, Capital Normal University
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The activation of interactive attentional networks
B Xuan, MA Mackie, A Spagna, T Wu, Y Tian, PR Hof, J Fan
NeuroImage 129, 308-319, 2016
The impact of anxiety on social decision-making: Behavioral and electrodermal findings
T Wu, Y Luo, LS Broster, R Gu, YJ Luo
Social neuroscience 8 (1), 11-21, 2013
Beyond valence and magnitude: A flexible evaluative coding system in the brain
R Gu, Z Lei, L Broster, T Wu, Y Jiang, YJ Luo
Neuropsychologia 49 (14), 3891-3897, 2011
Emotional conflict occurs at an early stage: Evidence from the emotional face–word Stroop task
X Zhu, H Zhang, T Wu, W Luo, Y Luo
Neuroscience letters 478 (1), 1-4, 2010
Anterior insular cortex is a bottleneck of cognitive control
T Wu, X Wang, Q Wu, A Spagna, J Yang, C Yuan, Y Wu, Z Gao, PR Hof, ...
NeuroImage 195, 490-504, 2019
Testing a Cognitive Control Model of Human Intelligence
Y Chen, J Spagna, A., Wu, T., Kim, T. H., Wu, Q., Chen, C., ... & Fan
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2898, 2019
The temporal course of the influence of anxiety on fairness considerations
Y Luo, T Wu, LS Broster, C Feng, D Zhang, R Gu, YJ Luo
Psychophysiology 51 (9), 835-842, 2014
Right hemisphere superiority for executive control of attention
A Spagna, TH Kim, T Wu, J Fan
Cortex 122, 263-276, 2018
Multi-feature based network represents the structural abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder
W Zheng, T Eilamstock, T Wu, A Spagna, C Chen, B Hu, J Fan
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2019
The capacity of cognitive control estimated from a perceptual decision making task
T Wu, AJ Dufford, MA Mackie, LJ Egan, J Fan
Scientific reports 6 (1), 34025, 2016
Hick–Hyman law is mediated by the cognitive control network in the brain
T Wu, AJ Dufford, LJ Egan, MA Mackie, C Chen, C Yuan, C Chen, X Li, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (7), 2267-2282, 2018
An electrophysiological index of changes in risk decision-making strategies
D Zhang, R Gu, T Wu, LS Broster, Y Luo, Y Jiang, YJ Luo
Neuropsychologia 51 (8), 1397–1407, 2013
The functional anatomy of cognitive control: A domain‐general brain network for uncertainty processing
T Wu, C Chen, A Spagna, X Wu, MA Mackie, S Russell‐Giller, P Xu, Y Luo, ...
Journal of comparative neurology 528 (8), 1265-1292, 2020
Neuroanatomical Alterations in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
T Eilam-Stock, T Wu, A Spagna, L Egan, J Fan
Frontiers in Neuroscience 10, 2016
Social Comparison Manifests in Event-related Potentials
Y Luo, C Feng, T Wu, LS Broster, H Cai, R Gu, YJ Luo
Scientific Reports 5 (12127), 2015
Woulda, coulda, shoulda: The evaluation and the impact of the alternative outcome
R Gu, T Wu, Y Jiang, YJ Luo
Psychophysiology 48 (10), 1354-1360, 2011
Gray matter volume of the anterior insular cortex and social networking
A Spagna, AJ Dufford, Q Wu, T Wu, W Zheng, EE Coons, PR Hof, B Hu, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 526 (7), 1183-1194, 2018
Morphometrical brain markers of sex difference
D Brennan, T Wu, J Fan
Cerebral Cortex 31 (8), 3641–3649, 2021
Accessing the Development and Heritability of the Capacity of Cognitive Control
Y Chen, C Chen, T Wu, B Qiu, W Zhang, J Fan
Neuropsychologia 139, 107361, 2020
Supramodal Mechanisms of the Cognitive Control Network in Uncertainty Processing
T Wu, A Spagna, C Chen, KP Schulz, PR Hof, J Fan
Cerebral Cortex 30 (12), 6336–6349, 2020
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Articles 1–20