Katy Morris
Cited by
Cited by
Immobility and the Brexit vote
N Lee, K Morris, T Kemeny
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 11 (1), 143-163, 2018
Recession and Recovery: How UK Cities can respond and drive the recovery
N Lee, K Morris, A Jones
Work Foundation, 2009
The ‘Employer Engagement Cycle’in Secondary Education: Analysing the testimonies of young British adults
S Jones, A Mann, K Morris
Journal of Education and Work 29 (7), 834-856, 2016
Never Too Late To Learn: Mature students in higher education
D McVitty, K Morris
NUS and Million, 2012
Recession, recovery and medium-sized cities
N Clayton, K Morris
Work Foundation, 2010
The Paradox of Local Inequality: Meritocratic beliefs in unequal localities
K Morris, F Bühlmann, N Sommet, L Vandecasteele
The British Journal of Sociology 73 (2), 421-460, 2022
Where DESO Disappears: Spatial inequality and social stratification at labour market entry
K Morris
European Sociological Review 39 (1), 85-103, 2023
Anchoring growth: The role of ‘anchor institutions’ in the regeneration of UK cities
K Morris, A Jones, J Wright
London, UK: The Work Foundation, 2010
Flat or Spiky: The changing location of the British knowledge economy
K Morris
Work Foundation, 2010
Can Collaboration Help Places Respond to the Changing Economy?: A Review of how Collaboration Between Local Authorities Can Contribute to the Growth of Knowledge Intensive …
A Jones, K Morris
Work Foundation, 2008
No city left behind? The geography of the recovery and the implications for the coalition
N Lee, K Morris, J Wright, N Clayton, I Brinkley, A Jones
The Work Foundation, 2010
How can cities thrive in the changing economy?
A Jones, N Lee, L Williams, N Clayton, K Morris
The Work Foundation, London, 2008
Recession and Recovery: The role of local economic leaders
N Lee, K Morris, A Jones, J Huxley, E Allen, G Clark
The Work Foundation, 2009
A Council of Perfection?: Reviewing the Links Between Types of Governance and the Economic Success of Cities
K Morris, L Williams
Work Foundation, 2008
No city left behind
N Lee, K Morris, J Wright, N Clayton, I Brinkley, A Jones
The Geography of the Recovery and the Implications for the Coalition, 2010
Recession and Recovery: UK City Case Studies–Impacts and Responses
K Morris
London: The Work Foundation, 2009
Recession and Recovery: How UK cities can respond and drive the recovery
A Jones, N Lee, K Morris
Work Foundation, 2009
Getting A Foot In The Door: Local labour markets and the school-to-work transition
K Morris
Journal of Youth Studies 28 (1), 137-157, 2025
Are Britons who speak foreign languages at an advantage in the labour market? Education and employers taskforce for the British academy’s Born global project
K Morris, ET Kashefpakdel, A Mann
London: British Academy, 2015
Uneven Shifts: The geography of occupational change in France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom 1992–2018
K Morris, D Oesch
European Societies, 2025
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Articles 1–20