Elena Meschi
Elena Meschi
Department of Economics (DEMS), University of Milan Bicocca
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Trade and income inequality in developing countries
E Meschi, M Vivarelli
World Development 37 (2), 287-302, 2009
Educational policies in a long-run perspective
M Braga, D Checchi, E Meschi
Economic Policy 28 (73), 45-100, 2013
Trade, technology and skills: Evidence from Turkish microdata
E Meschi, E Taymaz, M Vivarelli
Labour Economics, 2011
Parents' skills and children's cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes
A de Coulon, E Meschi, A Vignoles
Education Economics 19 (5), 451-474, 2011
Globalization, technological change and labor demand: a firm-level analysis for Turkey
E Meschi, E Taymaz, M Vivarelli
Review of World Economics 152, 655-680, 2016
The effect on mental health of retiring during the economic crisis
M Belloni, E Meschi, G Pasini
Health economics 25, 126-140, 2016
Growing up in social housing in Britain: a profile of four generations from 1946 to the present day
R Lupton, R Tunstall, W Sigle-Rushton, P Obolenskaya, R Sabates, ...
Tenant Services Authority, 2009
Expansion of schooling and educational inequality in Europe: the educational Kuznets curve revisited
E Meschi, F Scervini
Oxford Economic Papers 66 (3), 660-680, 2014
The impact of working conditions on mental health: Novel evidence from the UK
M Belloni, L Carrino, E Meschi
Labour Economics 76, 102176, 2022
A new dataset on educational inequality
E Meschi, F Scervini
Empirical Economics 47, 695-716, 2014
The determinants of non-cognitive and cognitive schooling outcomes (2010)
A Vignoles, E Meschi
London: Centre for the Economics of Education, 0
The effect of immigrant peers in vocational schools
T Frattini, E Meschi
European Economic Review 113, 1-22, 2019
The role of local labour market conditions and pupil attainment on post-compulsory schooling decisions
E Meschi, J Swaffield, A Vignoles
International Journal of Manpower 40 (8), 1482-1509, 2019
FDI and growth in MENA countries: an empirical analysis
E Meschi
The Fifth International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association …, 2006
Drivers and challenges in raising the achievement of pupils from Bangladeshi, Somali and Turkish backgrounds (Research Report DCSF-RR226)
S Strand, A De Coulon, E Meschi, J Vorhaus, C Ivins, L Small, A Sood, ...
Department for Education, 2010
Globalisation vs internal reforms as factors of inequality in transition economies
D Barlow, G Grimalda, E Meschi
International Review of Applied Economics 23 (3), 265-287, 2009
Measuring and detecting errors in occupational coding: an analysis of share data
M Belloni, A Brugiavini, E Meschi, K Tijdens
Journal of Official Statistics 32 (4), 917-945, 2016
Varieties of capitalisms and varieties of performances: accounting for inequality in post‐Soviet Union transition economies
G Grimalda, D Barlow, E Meschi
International Review of Applied Economics 24 (3), 379-403, 2010
Chapter 16 Italy: how labour market policies can foster earnings inequality
G Ballarino, M Braga, DC Bratti, A Filippin, C Fiorio, M Leonardi, E Meschi, ...
Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty …, 2014
The transitions between categories of special educational needs of pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as they …
E Meschi, J Micklewright, A Vignoles, G Lindsay
Department for Education, 2012
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20