Claudia Ferraris
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A complexity-bounded motion estimation algorithm
A Chimienti, C Ferraris, D Pau
IEEE Transactions on image processing 11 (4), 387-392, 2002
Feasibility of home-based automated assessment of postural instability and lower limb impairments in Parkinson’s disease
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, N Cau, V Cimolin, C Azzaro, ...
Sensors 19 (5), 1129, 2019
A self-managed system for automated assessment of UPDRS upper limb tasks in Parkinson’s disease
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, N Cau, V Cimolin, C Azzaro, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3523, 2018
Stress and workload assessment in aviation—a narrative review
G Masi, G Amprimo, C Ferraris, L Priano
Sensors 23 (7), 3556, 2023
Monitoring of gait parameters in post-stroke individuals: A feasibility study using rgb-d sensors
C Ferraris, V Cimolin, L Vismara, V Votta, G Amprimo, R Cremascoli, ...
Sensors 21 (17), 5945, 2021
Computation of gait parameters in post stroke and parkinson’s disease: A comparative study using RGB-D sensors and optoelectronic systems
V Cimolin, L Vismara, C Ferraris, G Amprimo, G Pettiti, R Lopez, M Galli, ...
Sensors 22 (3), 824, 2022
System and Method for Motion Capture
A Mauro, C Azzaro, G Albani, C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, ...
US Patent App. 15/126,904, 2017
An integrated multi-sensor approach for the remote monitoring of Parkinson’s disease
G Albani, C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, F Parisi, G Ferrari, ...
Sensors 19 (21), 4764, 2019
Gmh-d: Combining google mediapipe and rgb-depth cameras for hand motor skills remote assessment
G Amprimo, C Ferraris, G Masi, G Pettiti, L Priano
2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH), 132-141, 2022
Evaluation of arm swing features and asymmetry during gait in Parkinson’s disease using the azure kinect sensor
C Ferraris, G Amprimo, G Masi, L Vismara, R Cremascoli, S Sinagra, ...
Sensors 22 (16), 6282, 2022
Kinect-based assessment of lower limbs during gait in post-stroke hemiplegic patients: A narrative review
S Cerfoglio, C Ferraris, L Vismara, G Amprimo, L Priano, G Pettiti, M Galli, ...
Sensors 22 (13), 4910, 2022
Assessment tasks and virtual exergames for remote monitoring of Parkinson’s disease: An integrated approach based on Azure Kinect
G Amprimo, G Masi, L Priano, C Azzaro, F Galli, G Pettiti, A Mauro, ...
Sensors 22 (21), 8173, 2022
Remote monitoring and rehabilitation for patients with neurological diseases
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, D Pianu, G Albani, C Azzaro, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on body area networks, 76-82, 2014
Hand tracking for clinical applications: validation of the Google MediaPipe Hand (GMH) and the depth-enhanced GMH-D frameworks
G Amprimo, G Masi, G Pettiti, G Olmo, L Priano, C Ferraris
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 96, 106508, 2024
Usability of the REHOME solution for the telerehabilitation in neurological diseases: Preliminary results on motor and cognitive platforms
C Ferraris, I Ronga, R Pratola, G Coppo, T Bosso, S Falco, G Amprimo, ...
Sensors 22 (23), 9467, 2022
Measuring Brain Activation Patterns from Raw Single-Channel EEG during Exergaming: A Pilot Study
G Amprimo, I Rechichi, C Ferraris, G Olmo
Electronics 12 (3), 623, 2023
Evaluation of Finger Tapping Test Accuracy using the LeapMotion and the Intel RealSense Sensors
C Ferraris, D Pianu, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, V Cimolin, N Cau, R Nerino
EMBC 2015, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Objective assessment of the finger tapping task in parkinson's disease and control subjects using azure kinect and machine learning
G Amprimo, I Rechichi, C Ferraris, G Olmo
2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2023
Computer vision and image processing in structural health monitoring: Overview of recent applications
C Ferraris, G Amprimo, G Pettiti
Signals 4 (3), 539-574, 2023
Final results of the NINFA project: impact of new technologies in the daily life of elderly people
A Cinini, P Cutugno, C Ferraris, M Ferretti, L Marconi, G Morgavi, ...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 33, 1213-1222, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20