Niccolò Pretto
Niccolò Pretto
Assistant Professor - Ricercatore RTDA, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen
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Tape music archives: from preservation to access
C Fantozzi, F Bressan, N Pretto, S Canazza
International Journal on Digital Libraries 18, 233-249, 2017
Archaeology and virtual acoustics. A pan flute from ancient Egypt
F Avanzini, S CANAZZA TARGON, G De Poli, C Fantozzi, N Pretto, ...
Proc. of the 12th Int. Conference on Sound and Music Computing, 31-36, 2015
Accessing tape music documents on mobile devices
S Canazza, C Fantozzi, N Pretto
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2015
Computing methodologies supporting the preservation of electroacoustic music from analog magnetic tape
N Pretto, C Fantozzi, E Micheloni, V Burini, S Canazza
Computer Music Journal 42 (4), 59-74, 2018
Stay true to the sound of history: philology, phylogenetics and information engineering in musicology
S Verde, N Pretto, S Milani, S Canazza
Applied Sciences 8 (2), 226, 2018
Active preservation of analogue audio documents: A summary of the last seven years of digitization at CSC
N Pretto, A Russo, F Bressan, V Burini, A Roda, S Canazza
Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC20, Torino, 2020
Technology-enhanced interaction with cultural heritage: an antique pan flute from Egypt
N Pretto, E Micheloni, S Gasparotto, C Fantozzi, GD Poli, S Canazza
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 13 (2), 1-20, 2020
Virtual reconstruction of an ancient Greek pan flute
F Avanzini, S Canazza, G De Poli, C Fantozzi, E Micheloni, N Pretto, ...
Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), 41-46, 2016
An open corpus for the computational research of Arab-Andalusian music
RC Repetto, N Pretto, A Chaachoo, B Bozkurt, X Serra
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on digital libraries for …, 2018
Multimedia archives: new digital filters to correct equalization errors on digitized audio tapes
N Pretto, E Micheloni, A Chmiel, ND Pozza, D Marinello, E Schubert, ...
Advances in Multimedia 2021 (1), 5410218, 2021
A Step toward AI Tools for Quality Control and Musicological Analysis of Digitized Analogue Recordings: Recognition of Audio Tape Equalizations
E Micheloni, N Pretto, S Canazza
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2034 (AI*CH 2017), 17-24, 2017
Sound and Music Computing using AI: Designing a Standard
M Bosi, M Pretto, Niccolò, Guarise, S Canazza
Proceedings of the 18th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC21, virtual …, 2021
Rewind: simulazione di un’esperienza d’ascolto storicamente fedele di dischi fonografici digitalizzati.
N Pretto, S Canazza
XX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale / 20th Colloquium on Music Informatics …, 2014
An MPAI/IEEE International Standard for Audio: Overview of CAE Audio Recording Preservation (ARP) Technology
M Bosi, S Canazza, A Russo, N Pretto, L Chiariglione
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2023 AES International Conference on …, 2023
Community-Based Survey and Oral Archive Infrastructure in the Archivio Vi.Vo. Project
S Calamai, N Pretto, MF Stamuli, D Piccardi, G Candeo, S Bianchi, ...
Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, 55–64, 2021
A workflow and digital filters for correcting speed and equalization errors on digitized audio open-reel magnetic tapes
N Pretto, ND Pozza, A Padoan, A Chmiel, KJ Werner, A Micalizzi, ...
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 70 (6), 495-509, 2022
AI-based media coding standards
A Basso, P Ribeca, M Bosi, N Pretto, G Chollet, M Guarise, M Choi, ...
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 131 (4), 10-20, 2022
The magnetic urtext: Restoration as music interpretation
S Canazza, E Schubert, A Chmiel, N Pretto, A Rodà
Frontiers in Psychology, 1580, 2022
A workflow and novel digital filters for compensating speed and equalization errors on digitized audio open-reel tapes
N Pretto, N Dalla Pozza, A Padoan, A Chmiel, KJ Werner, A Micalizzi, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference, 224-231, 2021
Nawba Recognition for Arab-Andalusian Music using Templates from Music Scores
N Pretto, B Bozkurt, RC Repetto, X Serra
Proceedings of the 15th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2018, SMC 2018 …, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20