Davide Ascoli
Davide Ascoli
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Forest disturbances under climate change
R Seidl, D Thom, M Kautz, D Martin-Benito, M Peltoniemi, G Vacchiano, ...
Nature climate change 7 (6), 395-402, 2017
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed
F Moreira, D Ascoli, H Safford, MA Adams, JM Moreno, JMC Pereira, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (1), 011001, 2020
Prescribed burning in southern Europe: developing fire management in a dynamic landscape
PM Fernandes, GM Davies, D Ascoli, C Fernández, F Moreira, E Rigolot, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (s1), e4-e14, 2013
Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments
P Corona, D Ascoli, A Barbati, G Bovio, G Colangelo, M Elia, V Garfì, ...
Annals of Silvicultural Research 39 (1), 1-22, 2015
The role of fire in UK peatland and moorland management: the need for informed, unbiased debate
GM Davies, N Kettridge, CR Stoof, A Gray, D Ascoli, PM Fernandes, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species
AJ Hacket‐Pain, D Ascoli, G Vacchiano, F Biondi, L Cavin, M Conedera, ...
Ecology Letters 21 (12), 1833-1844, 2018
Spatial patterns and broad‐scale weather cues of beech mast seeding in Europe
G Vacchiano, A Hacket‐Pain, M Turco, R Motta, J Maringer, M Conedera, ...
New Phytologist 215 (2), 595-608, 2017
Fire, humans and landscape in the European Alpine region during the Holocene
E Valese, M Conedera, AC Held, D Ascoli
Anthropocene 6, 63-74, 2014
Concerns about reported harvests in European forests
M Palahí, R Valbuena, C Senf, N Acil, TAM Pugh, J Sadler, R Seidl, ...
Nature 592 (7856), E15-E17, 2021
From theory to experiments for testing the proximate mechanisms of mast seeding: an agenda for an experimental ecology
M Bogdziewicz, D Ascoli, A Hacket‐Pain, WD Koenig, I Pearse, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (2), 210-220, 2020
Inter-annual and decadal changes in teleconnections drive continental-scale synchronization of tree reproduction
D Ascoli, G Vacchiano, M Turco, M Conedera, I Drobyshev, J Maringer, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2205, 2017
Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
L Kehoe, T Reis, M Virah-Sawmy, A Balmford, T Kuemmerle, ...
Science 364 (6438), 341-341, 2019
Selvicoltura e schianti da vento: il caso della “tempesta Vaia”
R Motta, D Ascoli, P Corona, M Marchetti, G Vacchiano
Forest@ 15 (1), 94-98, 2018
Reproducing reproduction: How to simulate mast seeding in forest models
G Vacchiano, D Ascoli, F Berzaghi, ME Lucas-Borja, T Caignard, ...
Ecological modelling 376, 40-53, 2018
Prescribed burning and browsing to control tree encroachment in southern European heathlands
D Ascoli, M Lonati, R Marzano, G Bovio, A Cavallero, G Lombardi
Forest Ecology and Management 289, 69-77, 2013
Estimating the probability of wildfire occurrence in Mediterranean landscapes using Artificial Neural Networks
M Elia, M D'Este, D Ascoli, V Giannico, G Spano, A Ganga, G Colangelo, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 85, 106474, 2020
Effects of prescribed burning on ecophysiological, anatomical and stem hydraulic properties in Pinus pinea L.
G Battipaglia, T Savi, D Ascoli, D Castagneri, A Esposito, S Mayr, ...
Tree physiology 36 (8), 1019-1031, 2016
Post-fire restoration of beech stands in the Southern Alps by natural regeneration
D Ascoli, D Castagneri, C Valsecchi, M Conedera, G Bovio
Ecological Engineering 54, 210-217, 2013
Fire severity, residuals and soil legacies affect regeneration of Scots pine in the Southern Alps
G Vacchiano, S Stanchi, G Marinari, D Ascoli, E Zanini, R Motta
Science of the Total Environment 472, 778-788, 2014
Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence
T Qiu, MC Aravena, R Andrus, D Ascoli, Y Bergeron, R Berretti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (34), e2106130118, 2021
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Articoli 1–20