Barry Koren
Barry Koren
professor scientific computing, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Review of computational fluid dynamics for wind turbine wake aerodynamics
B Sanderse, SP Van der Pijl, B Koren
Wind energy 14 (7), 799-819, 2011
A robust upwind discretization method for advection, diffusion and source terms
B Koren
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica 45, 117-138, 1993
A positive finite-difference advection scheme
W Hundsdorfer, B Koren, JG Verwer
Journal of computational physics 117 (1), 35-46, 1995
Large Eddy Simulation of wind farm aerodynamics: A review
D Mehta, AH Van Zuijlen, B Koren, JG Holierhoek, H Bijl
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 133, 1-17, 2014
Free-surface viscous flow solution methods for ship hydrodynamics
J Wackers, B Koren, HC Raven, A Van der Ploeg, AR Starke, GB Deng, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 18, 1-41, 2011
Numerical methods for advection-diffusion problems
CB Vreugdenhil
Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1-373, 1993
A new formulation of Kapila’s five-equation model for compressible two-fluid flow, and its numerical treatment
JJ Kreeft, B Koren
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (18), 6220-6242, 2010
Quasi-DNS capabilities of OpenFOAM for different mesh types
E Komen, A Shams, L Camilo, B Koren
Computers & Fluids 96, 87-104, 2014
Accuracy analysis of explicit Runge–Kutta methods applied to the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
B Sanderse, B Koren
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (8), 3041-3063, 2012
Defect correction and multigrid for an efficient and accurate computation of airfoil flows
B Koren
Journal of Computational Physics 77 (1), 183-206, 1988
A quantification method for numerical dissipation in quasi-DNS and under-resolved DNS, and effects of numerical dissipation in quasi-DNS and under-resolved DNS of turbulent …
EMJ Komen, LH Camilo, A Shams, BJ Geurts, B Koren
Journal of computational physics 345, 565-595, 2017
Finite-difference schemes for anisotropic diffusion
B van Es, B Koren, HJ de Blank
Journal of Computational Physics 272, 526-549, 2014
A pressure-invariant conservative Godunov-type method for barotropic two-fluid flows
EH Van Brummelen, B Koren
Journal of computational physics 185 (1), 289-308, 2003
Multigrid and defect correction for the steady Navier-Stokes equations
B Koren
Journal of Computational Physics 87 (1), 25-46, 1990
Riemann-problem and level-set approaches for homentropic two-fluid flow computations
B Koren, MR Lewis, EH Van Brummelen, B Van Leer
Journal of Computational Physics 181 (2), 654-674, 2002
Adjoint-based aerodynamic shape optimization on unstructured meshes
G Carpentieri, B Koren, MJL van Tooren
Journal of Computational Physics 224 (1), 267-287, 2007
Multigrid and defect correction for the steady Navier-Stokes equations
B Koren
Robust Multi-Grid Methods: Proceedings of the Fourth GAMM-Seminar, Kiel …, 1989
Numerical Methods for Advection--diffusion Problems
B Koren, CB Vreugdenhil
Vieweg, 1993
Efficient numerical solution of steady free-surface Navier–Stokes flow
EH Van Brummelen, HC Raven, B Koren
Journal of Computational Physics 174 (1), 120-137, 2001
A fully conservative model for compressible two‐fluid flow
J Wackers, B Koren
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 47 (10‐11), 1337-1343, 2005
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Articoli 1–20