Jose Fernando Maya Vetencourt
Jose Fernando Maya Vetencourt
Università di Pisa
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The antidepressant fluoxetine restores plasticity in the adult visual cortex
JFM Vetencourt, A Sale, A Viegi, L Baroncelli, R De Pasquale, ...
Science 320 (5874), 385-388, 2008
Environmental enrichment in adulthood promotes amblyopia recovery through a reduction of intracortical inhibition
A Sale, JF Maya Vetencourt, P Medini, MC Cenni, L Baroncelli, ...
Nature neuroscience 10 (6), 679-681, 2007
A fully organic retinal prosthesis restores vision in a rat model of degenerative blindness
JF Maya-Vetencourt, D Ghezzi, MR Antognazza, E Colombo, M Mete, ...
Nature materials 16 (6), 681-689, 2017
Experience-dependent reactivation of ocular dominance plasticity in the adult visual cortex
L Baroncelli, A Sale, A Viegi, JFM Vetencourt, R De Pasquale, S Baldini, ...
Experimental neurology 226 (1), 100-109, 2010
Serotonin triggers a transient epigenetic mechanism that reinstates adult visual cortex plasticity in rats
JFM Vetencourt, E Tiraboschi, M Spolidoro, E Castrén, L Maffei
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (1), 49-57, 2011
Subretinally injected semiconducting polymer nanoparticles rescue vision in a rat model of retinal dystrophy
JF Maya-Vetencourt, G Manfredi, M Mete, E Colombo, M Bramini, ...
Nature nanotechnology 15 (8), 698-708, 2020
Interfacing graphene-based materials with neural cells
FC M Bramini, G Alberini, E Colombo, M Chiacchiaretta, ML DiFrancesco, JF ...
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 12 (1), 1-22, 2018
Food restriction enhances visual cortex plasticity in adulthood
M Spolidoro, L Baroncelli, E Putignano, JF Maya-Vetencourt, A Viegi, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 320, 2011
IGF‐1 restores visual cortex plasticity in adult life by reducing local GABA levels
JF Maya-Vetencourt, L Baroncelli, A Viegi, E Tiraboschi, E Castren, ...
Neural plasticity 2012 (1), 250421, 2012
Characterization of a Polymer‐based, fully organic prosthesis for implantation into the subretinal space of the rat
MR Antognazza, M Di Paolo, D Ghezzi, M Mete, S Di Marco, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 5 (17), 2271-2282, 2016
Neurosciences-From Molecule to Behavior: a university textbook
CG Galizia, PM Lledo
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Neuronal firing modulation by a membrane-targeted photoswitch
ML DiFrancesco, F Lodola, E Colombo, L Maragliano, M Bramini, ...
Nature nanotechnology 15 (4), 296-306, 2020
Experience‐dependent expression of NPAS4 regulates plasticity in adult visual cortex
JF Maya‐Vetencourt, E Tiraboschi, D Greco, L Restani, C Cerri, ...
The Journal of physiology 590 (19), 4777-4787, 2012
Visual cortex plasticity: a complex interplay of genetic and environmental influences
JF Maya-Vetencourt, N Origlia
Neural plasticity 2012 (1), 631965, 2012
Light-induced charge generation in polymeric nanoparticles restores vision in advanced-stage retinitis pigmentosa rats
S Francia, D Shmal, S Di Marco, G Chiaravalli, JF Maya-Vetencourt, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3677, 2022
A hybrid P3HT-Graphene interface for efficient photostimulation of neurons
ML DiFrancesco, E Colombo, ED Papaleo, JF Maya-Vetencourt, ...
Carbon 162, 308-317, 2020
Activity‐Dependent NPAS4 Expression and the Regulation of Gene Programs Underlying Plasticity in the Central Nervous System
JF Maya-Vetencourt
Neural plasticity 2013 (1), 683909, 2013
Gene expression patterns underlying the reinstatement of plasticity in the adult visual system
E Tiraboschi, R Guirado, D Greco, P Auvinen, JF Maya-Vetencourt, ...
Neural Plasticity 2013 (1), 605079, 2013
Molecular mechanisms at the basis of plasticity in the developing visual cortex: epigenetic processes and gene programs
JF Maya-Vetencourt, T Pizzorusso
Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 7, JEN. S12958, 2013
Optogenetic modulation of intracellular signalling and transcription: focus on neuronal plasticity
C Eleftheriou, F Cesca, L Maragliano, F Benfenati, JF Maya-Vetencourt
Journal of experimental neuroscience 11, 1179069517703354, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20