Telos: Representing knowledge about information systems J Mylopoulos, A Borgida, M Jarke, M Koubarakis ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 8 (4), 325-362, 1990 | 1291 | 1990 |
Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations in the representation of knowledge A Borgida Morgan Kaufmann, 1991 | 1053* | 1991 |
CLASSIC: A structural data model for objects A Borgida, RJ Brachman, DL McGuinness, LA Resnick ACM Sigmod record 18 (2), 58-67, 1989 | 940 | 1989 |
Support vector machines: Theory and applications T Evgeniou, M Pontil Advanced course on artificial intelligence, 249-257, 1999 | 776* | 1999 |
Living with CLASSIC: When and how to use a KL-ONE-like language RJ Brachman, DL McGuinness, PF Patel-Schneider, LA Resnick, ... Principles of semantic networks, 401-456, 1991 | 750 | 1991 |
Efficient management of transitive relationships in large data and knowledge bases R Agrawal, A Borgida, HV Jagadish ACM SIGMOD Record 18 (2), 253-262, 1989 | 623 | 1989 |
On the relative expressiveness of description logics and predicate logics A Borgida Artificial intelligence 82 (1-2), 353-367, 1996 | 591 | 1996 |
Distributed description logics: Assimilating information from peer sources A Borgida, L Serafini Journal on data semantics I, 153-184, 2003 | 519 | 2003 |
Description logics in data management A Borgida IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 7 (5), 671-682, 1995 | 451 | 1995 |
Knowledge representation as the basis for requirements specifications A Borgida, S Greenspan, J Mylopoulos Wissensbasierte Systeme: GI-Kongreß, München, 28./29. Oktober 1985, 152-169, 1985 | 430 | 1985 |
Clinical terminology: why is it so hard? AL Rector Methods of information in medicine 38 (04/05), 239-252, 1999 | 429 | 1999 |
A semantics and complete algorithm for subsumption in the CLASSIC description logic A Borgida, PF Patel-Schneider Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 1, 277-308, 1993 | 378 | 1993 |
Language features for flexible handling of exceptions in information systems A Borgida ACM transactions on database systems (TODS) 10 (4), 565-603, 1985 | 345 | 1985 |
Generalization/specialization as a basis for software specification A Borgida, J Mylopoulos, HKT Wong On Conceptual Modelling: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence …, 1984 | 273 | 1984 |
On formal requirements modeling languages: RML revisited S Greenspan, J Mylopoulos, A Borgida Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, 135-147, 1994 | 271 | 1994 |
On the frame problem in procedure specifications A Borgida, J Mylopoulos, R Reiter IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 21 (10), 785-798, 1995 | 260 | 1995 |
Computing least common subsumers in description logics WW Cohen, A Borgida, H Hirsh AAAI 1992, 754-760, 1992 | 249 | 1992 |
Strategic business modeling: representation and reasoning J Horkoff, D Barone, L Jiang, E Yu, D Amyot, A Borgida, J Mylopoulos Software & Systems Modeling 13, 1015-1041, 2014 | 234 | 2014 |
Capturing more world knowledge in the requirements specification SJ Greenspan, J Mylopoulos, A Borgida Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Software engineering, 225-234, 1982 | 186 | 1982 |
Explaining subsumption in description logics DL McGuinness, A Borgida IJCAI (1) 3 (00), 1995 | 182 | 1995 |