Ann C. Gates
Ann C. Gates
Professor of Computer Science, UTEP
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Cited by
A taxonomy and catalog of runtime software-fault monitoring tools
N Delgado, AQ Gates, S Roach
IEEE Transactions on software Engineering 30 (12), 859-872, 2004
Expanding participation in undergraduate research using the affinity group model
AQ Gates, PJ Teller, A Bernat, N Delgado, CK Della‐Piana
Journal of Engineering Education 88 (4), 409-414, 1999
Affinity research groups in practice: Apprenticing students in research
EQ Villa, K Kephart, AQ Gates, H Thiry, S Hug
Journal of Engineering Education 102 (3), 444-466, 2013
Meeting the challenge of expanding participation in the undergraduate research experience
AQ Gates, PJ Teller, A Bernat, N Delgado, CK Della-Piana
FIE'98. 28th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Moving from'Teacher …, 1998
Prospec: Support for elicitation and formal specification of software properties
O Mondragon, AQ Gates, S Roach
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 89 (2), 67-88, 2003
DynaMICs: Comprehensive support for run-time monitoring
AQ Gates, S Roach, O Mondragon, N Delgado
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 55 (2), 164-180, 2001
Supporting elicitation and specification of software properties through patterns and composite propositions
OA Mondragon, AQ Gates
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 14 …, 2004
Languages for the Specification of Software
D Cooke, A Gates, E Demirörs, O Demirörs, MM Tanik, B Krämer
Journal of Systems and Software 32 (3), 269-308, 1996
Workflow-driven ontologies: An earth sciences case study
L Salayandia, PP Da Silva, AQ Gates, F Salcedo
2006 Second IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e …, 2006
The computing alliance of Hispanic-serving institutions: Supporting Hispanics at critical transition points
AQ Gates, S Hug, H Thiry, R Aló, M Beheshti, J Fernandez, N Rodriguez, ...
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 11 (3), 1-21, 2011
A community effort to construct a gravity database for the United States and an associated Web portal
GR Keller, TG Hildenbrand, R Kucks, M Webring, A Briesacher, ...
Using the affinity research group model to involve undergraduate students in computer science research
PJ Teller, AQ Gates
Journal of Engineering Education 90 (4), 549-555, 2001
A structured approach for managing a practical software engineering course
AQ Gates, N Delgado, O Mondragón
30th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Building on A Century of …, 2000
Validated templates for specification of complex LTL formulas
S Salamah, A Gates, V Kreinovich
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (8), 1915-1929, 2012
Structuring the student research experience
A Bernat, PJ Teller, A Gates, N Delgado
Proceedings of the 5th annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE ITiCSEconference on Innovation …, 2000
A collaborative, interdisciplinary initiative for a smart cities innovation network
N Villanueva-Rosales, RL Cheu, A Gates, N Rivera, O Mondragon, ...
2015 IEEE First International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-2, 2015
The affinity research group model: Creating and maintaining effective research teams
A Gates, S Roach, E Villa, K Kephart, C Della-Piana, G Della-Piana
IEEE Computer society, 2008
On the development of a method to synthesize programs from requirements specifications
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 1 …, 1991
Reflections: The computing alliance of Hispanic-serving institutions
AQ Gates, H Thiry, S Hug
ACM Inroads 7 (4), 69-73, 2016
The Affinity Research Group Model: Creating and Maintaining Dynamic, Productive, and Inclusive Research Groups.
K Kephart, E Villa, AQ Gates, S Roach
Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 28 (4), 2008
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Articles 1–20