Alexander B. Swan
Alexander B. Swan
Eureka College
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Evaluating the validity of Myers‐Briggs Type Indicator theory: A teaching tool and window into intuitive psychology
R Stein, AB Swan
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 13 (2), e12434, 2019
Ideological belief bias with political syllogisms
DP Calvillo, AB Swan, AM Rutchick
Thinking & Reasoning 26 (2), 291-310, 2020
Technology in note taking and assessment: The effects of congruence on student performance
ME Barrett, AB Swan, A Mamikonian, I Ghajoyan, O Kramarova, ...
International Journal of Instruction 7 (1), 2014
To detect or not to detect: A replication and extension of the three-stage model
AB Swan, DP Calvillo, R Revlin
Acta psychologica 187, 54-65, 2018
Hearing From Both Sides: Differences Between Liberal and Conservative Attitudes Toward Scientific and Experiential Evidence
R Stein, AB Swan, M Sarraf
Political Psychology, 2020
Deeply confusing: Conflating difficulty with deep revelation on personality assessment
R Stein, AB Swan
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (4), 514-521, 2019
Influence of Taste Quality on Affective State
AB Swan, A Cohen, SR Evans, BA Drescher
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research 18 (2), 2013
Social and Cognitive Effects of Smartphone Use in Face-to-Face Verbal Interactions
TJ Johnson, MY Kaiser, AB Swan
Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research 24 (4), 265-273, 2019
Inhibition failure is mediated by a disposition toward flexible thinking
AB Swan, R Revlin
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Scope of Real Beliefs in Belief Revision
AB Swan, AY Chambers, R Revlin
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2013
We should hear from both sides: Ideological differences between liberal and conservative attitudes toward scientific and experiential evidence
R Stein, A Swan, M Sarraf
Available at SSRN 3428776, 2019
FYTing with science: Ideological differences on the nature and origin of truth
R Stein, A Swan, M Sarraf
Available at SSRN 3326111, 2018
Belief in Finding Your Own Truth
R Stein, AB Swan
OSF, 2018
Perception of Personality Assessments
R Stein, AB Swan
OSF, 2017
To Detect or Not To Detect: Dual Process Models and Cognitive Failures
AB Swan
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016
Therefore, Socrates is a Talking Head: Belief Bias and Syllogistic Reasoning Errors in Cable News
AB Swan
California State University, Northridge, 2011
You are what you drink: Object priming, motivation, and self-rated personality
ME Barrett, AB Swan, AM Rutchick, ML Slepian
Fictional Films in Your Psych Classes? Your Students Will Learn Something!
AB Swan
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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