Yi-Ching Lee
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Cited by
Mind wandering behind the wheel: Performance and oculomotor correlates
J He, E Becic, YC Lee, JS McCarley
Human factors 53 (1), 13-21, 2011
Measurement of trust in automation: A narrative review and reference guide
SC Kohn, EJ De Visser, E Wiese, YC Lee, TH Shaw
Frontiers in psychology 12, 604977, 2021
Visual attention in driving: The effects of cognitive load and visual disruption
YC Lee, JD Lee, L Ng Boyle
Human Factors 49 (4), 721-733, 2007
Adolescence, attention allocation, and driving safety
D Romer, YC Lee, CC McDonald, FK Winston
Journal of Adolescent Health 54 (5), S6-S15, 2014
Parents’ perspectives on using autonomous vehicles to enhance children’s mobility
YC Lee, JH Mirman
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 96, 415-431, 2018
Information and communications technology (ICT) usage during COVID-19: Motivating factors and implications
YC Lee, LA Malcein, SC Kim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7), 3571, 2021
The interaction of cognitive load and attention-directing cues in driving
YC Lee, JD Lee, L Ng Boyle
Human factors 51 (3), 271-280, 2009
Measuring drivers' frustration in a driving simulator
YC Lee
Proceedings of the 54th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting …, 2010
Using crash data to develop simulator scenarios for assessing novice driver performance
CC McDonald, JB Tanenbaum, YC Lee, DL Fisher, DR Mayhew, ...
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2012
Nighttime visibility and retroreflectance of pavement markings in dry, wet, and rainy conditions
T Schnell, F Aktan, YC Lee
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2003
Attitudes on technological, social, and behavioral economic strategies to reduce cellphone use among teens while driving
MK Delgado, CC McDonald, FK Winston, SD Halpern, AM Buttenheim, ...
Traffic injury prevention 19 (6), 569-576, 2018
Stress induction techniques in a driving simulator and reactions from newly licensed drivers
YC Lee, FK Winston
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 42, 44-55, 2016
Are parents ready to use autonomous vehicles to transport children? Concerns and safety features
YC Lee, SH Hand, H Lilly
Journal of Safety Research 72, 287-297, 2020
Attributions of social interactions: Driving among self-driving vs. conventional vehicles
YC Lee, A Momen, J LaFreniere
Technology in Society 66, 101631, 2021
Preliminary research developing a theory of cell phone distraction and social relationships
N LaVoie, YC Lee, J Parker
Accident Analysis & Prevention 86, 155-160, 2016
Headway time and crashes among novice teens and experienced adult drivers in a simulated lead truck braking scenario
CC McDonald, TS Seacrist, YC Lee, H Loeb, V Kandadai, FK Winston
Proceedings of the 7th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in …, 2013
Who would put their child alone in an autonomous vehicle? Preliminary look at gender differences
S Hand, YC Lee
Proceedings of the 2018 International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors …, 2018
Key factors associated with Australian parents’ willingness to use an automated vehicle to transport their unaccompanied children
S Koppel, YC Lee, JH Mirman, S Peiris, P Tremoulet
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 78, 137-152, 2021
Adolescent and adult drivers’ mobile phone use while driving with different interlocutors
JH Mirman, DR Durbin, YC Lee, SJ Seifert
Accident Analysis & Prevention 104, 18-23, 2017
Contrast pattern mining in paired multivariate time series of a controlled driving behavior experiment
Q Li, L Zhao, YC Lee, J Lin
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) 6 (4), 1-28, 2020
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Articles 1–20