Marta Carboni
Marta Carboni
Researcher, Department of Sciences, University of Rome TRE, Italy
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The changing role of ornamental horticulture in alien plant invasions
M van Kleunen, F Essl, J Pergl, G Brundu, M Carboni, S Dullinger, R Early, ...
Biological Reviews, 2018
The community ecology of invasive species: where are we and what's next?
L Gallien, M Carboni
Ecography 40 (2), 335-352, 2017
Integrating invasive species policies across ornamental horticulture supply chains to prevent plant invasions
PE Hulme, G Brundu, M Carboni, K Dehnen‐Schmutz, S Dullinger, ...
Journal of applied ecology 55 (1), 92-98, 2018
Assessing conservation status on coastal dunes: a multiscale approach
M Carboni, ML Carranza, A Acosta
Landscape and urban planning 91 (1), 17-25, 2009
Environmental factors influencing coastal vegetation pattern: New insights from the Mediterranean Basin
G Fenu, M Carboni, ATR Acosta, G Bacchetta
Folia Geobotanica, 1-16, 2013
Effects of trampling limitation on coastal dune plant communities
R Santoro, T Jucker, I Prisco, M Carboni, C Battisti, ATR Acosta
Environmental management 49, 534-542, 2012
Do traits and phylogeny support congruent community diversity patterns and assembly inferences?
MW Cadotte, M Carboni, X Si, S Tatsumi
Journal of Ecology 107 (5), 2065-2077, 2019
What it takes to invade grassland ecosystems: Traits, introduction history and filtering processes
M Carboni, T Münkemüller, S Lavergne, P Choler, B Borgy, C Violle, ...
Ecology letters 19 (3), 219-229, 2016
Dos and don'ts when inferring assembly rules from diversity patterns
T Münkemüller, L Gallien, LJ Pollock, C Barros, M Carboni, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (7), 1212-1229, 2020
Dealing with scarce data to understand how environmental gradients and propagule pressure shape fine‐scale alien distribution patterns on coastal dunes
M Carboni, R Santoro, ATR Acosta
Journal of Vegetation Science 22 (5), 751-765, 2011
Are some communities of the coastal dune zonation more susceptible to alien plant invasion?
M Carboni, R Santoro, ATR Acosta
Journal of Plant Ecology 3 (2), 139-147, 2010
Distance decay 2.0–a global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities
C Graco‐Roza, S Aarnio, N Abrego, ATR Acosta, J Alahuhta, J Altman, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (7), 1399-1421, 2022
GrassPlot–a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands
J Dengler, V Wagner, I Dembicz, I García-Mijangos, A Naqinezhad, ...
Phytocoenologia 48 (3), 331-347, 2018
Landscape fragmentation, land-use legacy and propagule pressure promote plant invasion on coastal dunes: a patch-based approach
M Malavasi, M Carboni, M Cutini, ML Carranza, ATR Acosta
Landscape Ecology 29, 1541-1550, 2014
Disentangling the relative effects of environmental versus human factors on the abundance of native and alien plant species in Mediterranean sandy shores
M Carboni, W Thuiller, F Izzi, A Acosta
Diversity and Distributions 16 (4), 537-546, 2010
Darwin's naturalization hypothesis: scale matters in coastal plant communities
M Carboni, T Münkemüller, L Gallien, S Lavergne, A Acosta, W Thuiller
Ecography 36, 560–568, 2013
Patterns of plant community assembly in invaded and non‐invaded communities along a natural environmental gradient
R Santoro, T Jucker, M Carboni, ATR Acosta
Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (3), 483-494, 2012
European ornamental garden flora as an invasion debt under climate change
E Haeuser, W Dawson, W Thuiller, S Dullinger, S Block, O Bossdorf, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (5), 2386-2395, 2018
Functional trait differences and trait plasticity mediate biotic resistance to potential plant invaders
L Conti, S Block, M Parepa, T Münkemüller, W Thuiller, ATR Acosta, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (4), 1607-1620, 2018
Simulating plant invasion dynamics in mountain ecosystems under global change scenarios
M Carboni, M Guéguen, C Barros, D Georges, I Boulangeat, R Douzet, ...
Global Change Biology 24, e289–e302, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20