Ratih Damayanti
Ratih Damayanti
FORDA, Ministry of Forestry
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Cited by
A review on natural fibers for development of eco-friendly bio-composite: characteristics, and utilizations
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar, DS Adi, R Damayanti, B Subiyanto, ...
Journal of materials research and technology 13, 2442-2458, 2021
A comprehensive review on natural fibers: technological and socio-economical aspects
A Karimah, MR Ridho, SS Munawar, Ismadi, Y Amin, R Damayanti, ...
Polymers 13 (24), 4280, 2021
Wood identification based on histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) feature and support vector machine (SVM) classifier
B Sugiarto, E Prakasa, R Wardoyo, R Damayanti, LM Dewi, HF Pardede, ...
2017 2nd International conferences on Information Technology, Information …, 2017
Exploration of unutilized fast growing wood species from secondary forest in Central Kalimantan: Study on the fiber characteristic and wood density
DS Adi, L Risanto, R Damayanti, S Rullyati, LM Dewi, R Susanti, ...
Procedia Environmental Sciences 20, 321-327, 2014
Electrical load profile analysis using clustering techniques
R Damayanti, AG Abdullah, W Purnama, ABD Nandiyanto
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (1), 012081, 2017
Discrimination and Determination of Extractive Content of Ebony (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) from Celebes Island by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
L Karlinasari, YA Purwanto, M Majiidu, FG Dwiyanti, M Rafi, R Damayanti, ...
Forests 12 (1), 6, 2020
Atlas Kayu Indonesia Jilid IV
M Muslich, M Wardani, T Kalima, S Rulliaty, R Darmayanti, N Hajib, ...
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keteknikan Kehutanan dan Pengolahan …, 2013
Effects of girdling on wood properties and drying characteristics of Acacia mangium
E Basri, K Yuniarti, I Wahyudi, Saefudin, R Damayanti
Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 498-505, 2015
Pengelompokan jenis kayu perdagangan Indonesia
R Damayanti, J Balfas, E Basri, IM Sulastiningsih, D Martono, G Pari, ...
Forda Press, 2017
Anatomical observation and characterization on basic properties of Agarwood (Gaharu) as an Appendix II CITES
W Dwianto, SS Kusumah, T Darmawan, Y Amin, A Bahanawan, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 374 (1), 012062, 2019
Wood properties of 5-year-old fast grown teak
R Damayanti, B Ozarska, IKN Pandit, F Febrianto, G Pari
Wood Research Journal 9 (2), 29-34, 2018
Anatomical properties and fiber quality of five potential commercial wood species from Cianjur, West Java
R Damayanti, S Rulliaty
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research 7 (1), 53-69, 2010
Developing wood identification system by local binary pattern and hough transform method
ML Hadiwidjaja, PH Gunawan, E Prakasa, Y Rianto, B Sugiarto, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1192, 012053, 2019
Rotan Potensial dari Hutan Bukit Lubuk Pekak, Merangin, Jambi
T Kalima, R Damayanti, A Susilo
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 4 (1), 32-41, 2019
LignoIndo: image database of Indonesian commercial timber
R Damayanti, E Prakasa, Krisdianto, LM Dewi, R Wardoyo, B Sugiarto, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 374 (1), 012057, 2019
Ketahanan alami jenis-jenis bambu yang tumbuh di Indonesia terhadap rayap tanah (Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren)
J Jasni, R Damayanti, R Pari
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 35 (4), 289-301, 2017
Pedoman identifikasi kayu ramin dan kayu mirip ramin
YI Mandang, R Damayanti, TE Komar, S Nurjanah
ITTO Project PD 426 (06), 2008
Nurindah; Iswanto, AH; et al
R Damayanti, MAR Lubis, AP Wulandari
A comprehensive review on natural fibers: Technological and socio-economical …, 2021
Some Properties of Bamboo Composite Lumber Made of Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea
AAS Ignasia Maria Sulastiningsih, Ratih Damayanti
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 8, 122-130, 2018
Anatomical properties and near infrared spectra characteristics of four shorea species from Indonesia
DS Adi, SW Hwang, DA Pramasari, Y Amin, H Cipta, R Damayanti, ...
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 27 (3), 247-247, 2020
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Articles 1–20