Robert T Jantzen
Cited by
Cited by
The many faces of gravitoelectromagnetism
RT Jantzen, P Carini, D Bini
Annals of Physics 215 (1), 1-50, 1992
The dynamical degrees of freedom in spatially homogeneous cosmology
RT Jantzen
Communications in Mathematical Physics 64 (3), 211-232, 1979
The intrinsic derivative and centrifugal forces in general relativity: II. Applications to circular orbits in some familiar stationary axisymmetric spacetimes
D Bini, P Carini, RT Jantzen
International Journal of Modern Physics D 6 (02), 143-198, 1997
The intrinsic derivative and centrifugal forces in general relativity: I. Theoretical foundations
D Bini, P Carini, RT Jantzen
International Journal of Modern Physics D 6 (01), 1-38, 1997
The general relativistic Poynting–Robertson effect
D Bini, RT Jantzen, L Stella
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26 (5), 055009, 2009
Gravitomagnetism in the Kerr–Newman–Taub–NUT spacetime
D Bini, C Cherubini, RT Jantzen, B Mashhoon
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (3), 457, 2003
Spatially homogeneous dynamics: a unified picture
RT Jantzen
arXiv preprint gr-qc/0102035, 2001
Absolute and relative Frenet-Serret frames and Fermi-Walker transport
D Bini, F de Felice, RT Jantzen
Classical and Quantum Gravity 16 (6), 2105, 1999
“Golden Oldie”: The Bianchi Classification in the Schücking-Behr Approach.
A Krasiński, C Behr, E Schücking, F Estabrook, H Wahlquist, G Ellis, ...
General Relativity & Gravitation 35 (3), 2003
Exact hypersurface-homogeneous solutions in cosmology and astrophysics
C Uggla, RT Jantzen, K Rosquist
Physical Review D 51 (10), 5522, 1995
Spacetimes with a transitive similarity group
K Rosquist, RT Jantzen
Classical and Quantum Gravity 2 (6), L129, 1985
Teukolsky Master Equation: de Rham wave equation for gravitational and electromagnetic fields in vacuum
D Bini, C Cherubini, RT Jantzen, R Ruffini
Progress of Theoretical Physics 107 (5), 967-992, 2002
The general relativistic Poynting–Robertson effect: II. A photon flux with nonzero angular momentum
D Bini, A Geralico, RT Jantzen, O Semerák, L Stella
Classical and Quantum Gravity 28 (3), 035008, 2011
Gravitomagnetism and relative observer clock effects
D Bini, RT Jantzen, B Mashhoon
Classical and Quantum Gravity 18 (4), 653, 2001
Relative observer kinematics in general relativity
D Bini, P Carini, RT Jantzen
Classical and Quantum Gravity 12 (10), 2549, 1995
Unified regularization of Bianchi cosmology
K Rosquist, RT Jantzen
Physics Reports 166 (2), 89-124, 1988
Massless field perturbations and gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime
D Bini, C Cherubini, RT Jantzen, B Mashhoon
Physical Review D 67 (8), 084013, 2003
On the mathematics of income inequality: Splitting the gini index in two
RT Jantzen, K Volpert
The American Mathematical Monthly 119 (10), 824-837, 2012
Variation of parameters in cosmology
RT Jantzen
Annals of Physics 127 (2), 302-329, 1980
Spin-geodesic deviations in the Schwarzschild spacetime
D Bini, A Geralico, RT Jantzen
General Relativity and Gravitation 43, 959-975, 2011
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Articles 1–20