Luca Falciati
Luca Falciati
Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche e Sperimentali, Università degli Studi di Brescia
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Short‐and long‐term modulation of upper limb motor‐evoked potentials induced by acupuncture
C Maioli, L Falciati, M Marangon, S Perini, A Losio
European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (7), 1931-1938, 2006
Happy facial expressions impair inhibitory control with respect to fearful facial expressions but only when task-relevant.
C Mancini, L Falciati, C Maioli, G Mirabella
Emotion 22 (1), 142, 2022
Threatening facial expressions impact goal-directed actions only if task-relevant
C Mancini, L Falciati, C Maioli, G Mirabella
Brain Sciences 10 (11), 794, 2020
Pursuit eye movements involve a covert motor plan for manual tracking
C Maioli, L Falciati, T Gianesini
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (27), 7168-7173, 2007
Visuospatial attention and saccadic inhibitory control in children with cerebral palsy
C Maioli, L Falciati, J Galli, S Micheletti, L Turetti, M Balconi, EM Fazzi
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 392, 2019
Return to competition in a chronic low back pain runner: beyond a therapeutic exercise approach, a case report
S Veneziani, C Doria, L Falciati, CC Castelli, GF Illic
European Journal of Translational Myology 24 (3), 2014
Neuromodulation and cognitive rehabilitation: addressing the methodological issue of circadian rhythms
M Gobbo, L Falciati
Frontiers in Psychiatry 5, 150, 2014
Covert oculo-manual coupling induced by visually guided saccades
L Falciati, T Gianesini, C Maioli
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 664, 2013
Covert preparation of a manual response in a ‘go’/‘no-go’saccadic task is driven by execution of the eye movement and not by visual stimulus occurrence
C Maioli, L Falciati
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 556, 2015
Compatibilità spaziale stimolo-meta e compatibilità spaziale meta-risposta in situazioni ecologiche
M Tagliabue, L Falciati, C Umiltà, S Massaccesi
Giornale italiano di psicologia 33 (1), 143-174, 2006
Presenza e validità ecologica
L Falciati, M Tagliabue
Giornale italiano di psicologia 33 (1), 27-56, 2006
Neural filtering of physiological tremor oscillations to spinal motor neurons mediates short-term acquisition of a skill learning task
HV Cabral, A Cudicio, A Bonardi, A Del Vecchio, L Falciati, C Orizio, ...
Eneuro, 2024
Emotional facial expressions affect inhibitory control only when they are task-relevant
L Falciati, C Mancini, C Maioli, G Mirabella
Atti del XXIX Congresso Nazionale SIPF" Beyond the lockdown of the brain", 2019
Neurofisiologia delle emozioni
C Cristini, A Ghilardi, L Falciati, C Maioli
Sentire e pensare: Emozioni e apprendimento fra mente e cervello, 93-107, 2009
A mixed reality system for the evaluation of the effects of exoskeletons on cognitive load during manual handling task
E Scalona, A Piol, ML Cavallo, M Mosso, FBG Bushara, G Valli, ...
Gait & Posture 114, S39-S40, 2024
The Effects of the Use of Exoskeletons for Manual Handling on Cognitive Abilities: A Mixed Reality Approach
A Piol, E Scalona, ML Cavallo, M Mosso, F Bushara Garma Bushara, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 295-307, 2024
Estimation of the cognitive resources necessary for the correct use of exoskeletons. A multidisciplinary and mixed reality approach.
L Falciati, ML Cavallo, N Pintori, A Piol, G Valli, M Mosso, G Rossetto, ...
2024 CNS Abstract Book, 2024
An# EEGManyLabs study to test the role of the alpha phase on visual perception (a replication and new evidence)
M Ruzzoli, N Molinaro, C Benwell, DH Berkowitz, D Brignani, L Falciati, ...
G Mirabella, L Falciati, S Parmigiani, HM Sisti, HM Sisti, A Beebe, ...
The brain meets the body: Neural basis of cognitive contribution in movement …, 2023
High-Density Surface Electromyography Allows for Longitudinal Assessment of the Neural Drive to Muscle in Individuals with Acute Stroke
M Benedini, HV Cabral, M Cogliati, L Falciati, L Bissolotti, C Orizio, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality …, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20