Viviana Patti
Viviana Patti
Associate Professor of Computer Science, Università diTorino, Dipartimento di Informatica
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Semeval-2019 task 5: Multilingual detection of hate speech against immigrants and women in twitter
V Basile, C Bosco, E Fersini, D Nozza, V Patti, FMR Pardo, P Rosso, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 54-63, 2019
Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review
F Poletto, V Basile, M Sanguinetti, C Bosco, V Patti
Language Resources and Evaluation 55, 477-523, 2021
An italian twitter corpus of hate speech against immigrants
M Sanguinetti, F Poletto, C Bosco, V Patti, M Stranisci
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on language resources …, 2018
Developing corpora for sentiment analysis: The case of irony and senti-tut
C Bosco, V Patti, A Bolioli
IEEE intelligent systems 28 (2), 55-63, 2013
Hurtlex: A multilingual lexicon of words to hurt
E Bassignana, V Basile, V Patti
CEUR Workshop proceedings 2253, 1-6, 2018
Figurative messages and affect in Twitter: Differences between# irony,# sarcasm and# not
E Sulis, DIH Farías, P Rosso, V Patti, G Ruffo
Knowledge-Based Systems 108, 132-143, 2016
Irony detection in twitter: The role of affective content
DIH Farías, V Patti, P Rosso
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 16 (3), 1-24, 2016
Misogyny detection in twitter: a multilingual and cross-domain study
EW Pamungkas, V Basile, V Patti
Information processing & management 57 (6), 102360, 2020
Semeval 2018 task 2: Multilingual emoji prediction
F Barbieri, J Camacho-Collados, F Ronzano, LE Anke, M Ballesteros, ...
Proceedings of the 12th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 24-33, 2018
Overview of the evalita 2016 sentiment polarity classification task
F Barbieri, V Basile, D Croce, M Nissim, N Novielli, V Patti
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1749, 2016
Overview of the task on stance and gender detection in tweets on Catalan independence at IberEval 2017
M Taulé, MA Martí, FM Rangel, P Rosso, C Bosco, V Patti
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1881, 157-177, 2017
Cross-domain and cross-lingual abusive language detection: A hybrid approach with deep learning and a multilingual lexicon
EW Pamungkas, V Patti
Proceedings of the 57th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2019
Verifying the conformance of web services to global interaction protocols: A first step
M Baldoni, C Baroglio, A Martelli, V Patti, C Schifanella
European Workshop on Performance Engineering, 257-271, 2005
Overview of the evalita 2014 sentiment polarity classification task
V Basile, A Bolioli, V Patti, P Rosso, M Nissim
Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2014
Multilingual stance detection in social media political debates
M Lai, AT Cignarella, DIH Farías, C Bosco, V Patti, P Rosso
Computer Speech & Language 63, 101075, 2020
Stance evolution and twitter interactions in an italian political debate
M Lai, V Patti, G Ruffo, P Rosso
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 23rd International …, 2018
From tags to emotions: Ontology-driven sentiment analysis in the social semantic web
M Baldoni, C Baroglio, V Patti, P Rena
Intelligenza Artificiale 6 (1), 41-54, 2012
Time of your hate: The challenge of time in hate speech detection on social media
K Florio, V Basile, M Polignano, P Basile, V Patti
Applied Sciences 10 (12), 4180, 2020
Haspeede 2@ evalita2020: Overview of the evalita 2020 hate speech detection task
M Sanguinetti, G Comandini, E Di Nuovo, S Frenda, M Stranisci, C Bosco, ...
Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian, 2020
Exploring the impact of pragmatic phenomena on irony detection in tweets: A multilingual corpus study
J Karoui, F Benamara, V Moriceau, V Patti, C Bosco, N Aussenac-Gilles
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20