Georgia Papadogeorgou
Georgia Papadogeorgou
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Florida
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Low levels of air pollution and health: effect estimates, methodological challenges, and future directions
G Papadogeorgou, MA Kioumourtzoglou, D Braun, A Zanobetti
Current environmental health reports 6, 105-115, 2019
Causal inference with interfering units for cluster and population level treatment allocation programs
G Papadogeorgou, F Mealli, CM Zigler
Biometrics 75 (3), 778-787, 2019
Adjusting for unmeasured spatial confounding with distance adjusted propensity score matching
G Papadogeorgou, C Choirat, CM Zigler
Biostatistics 20 (2), 256-272, 2019
Bipartite causal inference with interference
CM Zigler, G Papadogeorgou
Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical …, 2021
Propensity score weighting for causal subgroup analysis
S Yang, E Lorenzi, G Papadogeorgou, DM Wojdyla, F Li, LE Thomas
Statistics in medicine 40 (19), 4294-4309, 2021
Causal inference with spatio-temporal data: estimating the effects of airstrikes on insurgent violence in Iraq
G Papadogeorgou, K Imai, J Lyall, F Li
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2022
Mitigating unobserved spatial confounding when estimating the effect of supermarket access on cardiovascular disease deaths
PM Schnell, G Papadogeorgou
Annals of Applied Statistics 14 (4), 2069-2095, 2020
Effects of age, race, and ethnicity on the optic nerve and peripapillary region using spectral-domain OCT 3D volume scans
LYC Poon, H Antar, E Tsikata, R Guo, G Papadogeorgou, M Freeman, ...
Translational vision science & technology 7 (6), 12-12, 2018
Causal inference in high dimensions: a marriage between Bayesian modeling and good frequentist properties
J Antonelli, G Papadogeorgou, F Dominici
Biometrics 78 (1), 100-114, 2022
Clarifying selection bias in cluster randomized trials
F Li, Z Tian, J Bobb, G Papadogeorgou, F Li
Clinical Trials 19 (1), 33-41, 2022
Soft tensor regression
G Papadogeorgou, Z Zhang, DB Dunson
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (219), 1-53, 2021
Evaluating federal policies using Bayesian time series models: estimating the causal impact of the hospital readmissions reduction program
G Papadogeorgou, F Menchetti, C Choirat, JH Wasfy, CM Zigler, F Mealli
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 23 (4), 433-451, 2023
A causal exposure response function with local adjustment for confounding: Estimating health effects of exposure to low levels of ambient fine particulate matter
G Papadogeorgou, F Dominici
The annals of applied statistics 14 (2), 850, 2020
Diagnostic capability of three-dimensional macular parameters for glaucoma using optical coherence tomography volume scans
ACV Vercellin, F Jassim, LYC Poon, E Tsikata, B Braaf, S Shah, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 59 (12), 4998-5010, 2018
Diagnostic capability of peripapillary three-dimensional retinal nerve fiber layer volume for glaucoma using optical coherence tomography volume scans
Z Khoueir, F Jassim, LYC Poon, E Tsikata, GS Ben-David, Y Liu, E Shieh, ...
American journal of ophthalmology 182, 180-193, 2017
Spatial causal inference in the presence of unmeasured confounding and interference
G Papadogeorgou, S Samanta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.08218, 2023
Analysis of neuroretinal rim by age, race, and sex using high-density 3-dimensional spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
H Antar, E Tsikata, K Ratanawongphaibul, J Zhang, E Shieh, R Lee, ...
Journal of glaucoma 28 (11), 979-988, 2019
Discussion on “Spatial+: a novel approach to spatial confounding” by Emiko Dupont, Simon N. Wood, and Nicole H. Augustin
G Papadogeorgou
Biometrics 78 (4), 1305-1308, 2022
Diagnostic capability of 3D peripapillary retinal volume for glaucoma using optical coherence tomography customized software
Y Liu, F Jassim, B Braaf, Z Khoueir, LYC Poon, GS Ben-David, ...
Journal of Glaucoma 28 (8), 708-717, 2019
Mitigating unobserved spatial confounding bias with mixed models
P Schnell, G Papadogeorgou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.12150, 2019
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20