Kathryn Lund
Kathryn Lund
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
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Block Krylov subspace methods for functions of matrices
A Frommer, K Lund, DB Szyld
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 47, 100-126, 2017
The tensor t-function: a definition for functions of third-order tensors
K Lund
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 27 (3), e2288, 2020
Block Gram-Schmidt algorithms and their stability properties
E Carson, K Lund, M Rozložník, S Thomas
Linear Algebra and its Applications 638, 150-195, 2022
Block Krylov subspace methods for functions of matrices II: Modified block FOM
A Frommer, K Lund, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 41 (2), 804--837, 2020
Limited-memory polynomial methods for large-scale matrix functions
S Güttel, D Kressner, K Lund
GAMM - Mitteilungen 43, e202000019, 2020
The stability of block variants of classical Gram-Schmidt
E Carson, K Lund, M Rozložník
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 42 (3), 1365–1380, 2021
A new block Krylov subspace framework with applications to functions of matrices acting on multiple vectors
K Lund
Temple University and Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2018
The Radau--Lanczos Method for Matrix Functions
A Frommer, K Lund, M Schweitzer, DB Szyld
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (3), 710-732, 2017
Compress-and-restart block Krylov subspace methods for Sylvester matrix equations
D Kressner, K Lund, S Massei, D Palitta
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2339, 2020
Adaptively restarted block Krylov subspace methods with low-synchronization skeletons
K Lund
Numerical Algorithms 93, 731--764, 2023
Reorthogonalized Pythagorean variants of block classical Gram–Schmidt
E Carson, K Lund, Y Ma, E Oktay
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 46 (1), 310-340, 2025
On the loss of orthogonality in low-synchronization variants of reorthogonalized block classical Gram-Schmidt
E Carson, K Lund, Y Ma, E Oktay
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10109, 2024
Challenges in computing matrix functions
M Fasi, S Gaudreault, K Lund, M Schweitzer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.16132, 2024
Towards a benchmark framework for model order reduction in the Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI)
P Benner, K Lund, J Saak
PAMM 23 (3), e202300147, 2023
Rolling stock rotation optimization in days of strike: An automated approach for creating an alternative timetable
S Ahmadi, SF Gritzbach, K Lund, D McCullough-Amal
The Fréchet derivative of the tensor t-function
K Lund, M Schweitzer
Calcolo 60 (35), 2023
Low-rank-modified Galerkin methods for the Lyapunov equation
K Lund, D Palitta
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 62, 1--21, 2024
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–17