Radek Bace
Radek Bace
Department of Forest Ecology, CULS
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Cited by
Natural development and regeneration of a Central European montane spruce forest
M Svoboda, S Fraver, P Janda, R Bače, J Zenáhlíková
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (5), 707-714, 2010
Disturbance history of an old‐growth sub‐alpine Picea abies stand in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic
M Svoboda, P Janda, TA Nagel, S Fraver, J Rejzek, R Bače
Journal of vegetation science 23 (1), 86-97, 2012
Age, competition, disturbance and elevation effects on tree and stand growth response of primary Picea abies forest to climate
I Primicia, JJ Camarero, P Janda, V Čada, RC Morrissey, V Trotsiuk, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 354, 77-86, 2015
Deadwood management in Central European forests: Key considerations for practical implementation
L Vítková, R Bače, P Kjučukov, M Svoboda
Forest ecology and management 429, 394-405, 2018
The historical disturbance regime of mountain Norway spruce forests in the Western Carpathians and its influence on current forest structure and composition
P Janda, V Trotsiuk, M Mikoláš, R Bače, TA Nagel, R Seidl, M Seedre, ...
Forest ecology and management 388, 67-78, 2017
Landscape‐level variability in historical disturbance in primary Picea abies mountain forests of the Eastern Carpathians, Romania
M Svoboda, P Janda, R Bače, S Fraver, TA Nagel, J Rejzek, M Mikoláš, ...
Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (2), 386-401, 2014
Natural regeneration in Central-European subalpine spruce forests: Which logs are suitable for seedling recruitment?
R Bače, M Svoboda, V Pouska, P Janda, J Červenka
Forest Ecology and Management 266, 254-262, 2012
Does a minimal intervention approach threaten the biodiversity of protected areas? A multi-taxa short-term response to intervention in temperate oak-dominated forests
P Sebek, R Bace, M Bartos, J Benes, Z Chlumska, J Dolezal, M Dvorsky, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 358, 80-89, 2015
Frequent severe natural disturbances and non-equilibrium landscape dynamics shaped the mountain spruce forest in central Europe
V Čada, RC Morrissey, Z Michalová, R Bače, P Janda, M Svoboda
Forest Ecology and Management 363, 169-178, 2016
A mixed severity disturbance regime in the primary Picea abies (L.) Karst. forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians
V Trotsiuk, M Svoboda, P Janda, M Mikolas, R Bace, J Rejzek, P Samonil, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 334, 144-153, 2014
Deadwood in forest ecosystems
K Merganičová, J Merganič, M Svoboda, R Bače, V Šebeň
Forest Ecosystems–More than Just Trees, InTech Book, 81-108, 2012
More ways than one: Mixed-severity disturbance regimes foster structural complexity via multiple developmental pathways
GW Meigs, RC Morrissey, R Bače, O Chaskovskyy, V Čada, T Després, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 406, 410-426, 2017
Large‐scale disturbance legacies and the climate sensitivity of primary Picea abies forests
JS Schurman, V Trotsiuk, R Bače, V Čada, S Fraver, P Janda, ...
Global change biology 24 (5), 2169-2181, 2018
Response of mountain Picea abies forests to stand‐replacing bark beetle outbreaks: neighbourhood effects lead to self‐replacement
T Zeppenfeld, M Svoboda, RJ DeRose, M Heurich, J Müller, P Čížková, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (5), 1402-1411, 2015
Profile of tree-related microhabitats in European primary beech-dominated forests
D Kozák, M Mikoláš, M Svitok, R Bače, Y Paillet, L Larrieu, TA Nagel, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 429, 363-374, 2018
Carbon pools in a montane old-growth Norway spruce ecosystem in Bohemian Forest: Effects of stand age and elevation
M Seedre, J Kopáček, P Janda, R Bače, M Svoboda
Forest Ecology and Management 346, 106-113, 2015
The climatic drivers of primary Picea forest growth along the Carpathian arc are changing under rising temperatures
JS Schurman, F Babst, J Björklund, M Rydval, R Bače, V Čada, P Janda, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (9), 3136-3150, 2019
Changes in mercury deposition in a mining and smelting region as recorded in tree rings
M Hojdová, T Navrátil, J Rohovec, K Žák, A Vaněk, V Chrastný, R Bače, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 216, 73-82, 2011
Salvage-logging after windstorm leads to structural and functional homogenization of understory layer and delayed spruce tree recovery in Tatra Mts., Slovakia
Z Michalová, RC Morrissey, T Wohlgemuth, R Bače, P Fleischer, ...
Forests 8 (3), 88, 2017
Legacy of pre-disturbance spatial pattern determines early structural diversity following severe disturbance in montane spruce forests
R Bače, M Svoboda, P Janda, RC Morrissey, J Wild, JL Clear, V Čada, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0139214, 2015
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Articles 1–20