Gaetano Scamarcio
Gaetano Scamarcio
Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica, Università degli studi di Bari, Italy
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Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy: a review
P Patimisco, G Scamarcio, FK Tittel, V Spagnolo
Sensors 14 (4), 6165-6206, 2014
High-power infrared (8-micrometer wavelength) superlattice lasers
G Scamarcio, F Capasso, C Sirtori, J Faist, AL Hutchinson, DL Sivco, ...
Science 276 (5313), 773-776, 1997
Single-molecule detection with a millimetre-sized transistor
E Macchia, K Manoli, B Holzer, C Di Franco, M Ghittorelli, F Torricelli, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3223, 2018
Size-dependent lattice contraction in CdS 1− x Se x nanocrystals embedded in glass observed by Raman scattering
G Scamarcio, M Lugará, D Manno
Physical Review B 45 (23), 13792, 1992
Part-per-trillion level SF6 detection using a quartz enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy-based sensor with single-mode fiber-coupled quantum cascade laser …
V Spagnolo, P Patimisco, S Borri, G Scamarcio, BE Bernacki, J Kriesel
Optics letters 37 (21), 4461-4463, 2012
Size dependence of electron—LO-phonon coupling in semiconductor nanocrystals
G Scamarcio, V Spagnolo, G Ventruti, M Lugará, GC Righini
Physical Review B 53 (16), R10489, 1996
Intracavity quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor
S Borri, P Patimisco, I Galli, D Mazzotti, G Giusfredi, N Akikusa, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (9), 2014
Measurement of subband electronic temperatures and population inversion in THz quantum-cascade lasers
MS Vitiello, G Scamarcio, V Spagnolo, BS Williams, S Kumar, Q Hu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (11), 2005
Analysis of the electro-elastic properties of custom quartz tuning forks for optoacoustic gas sensing
P Patimisco, A Sampaolo, L Dong, M Giglio, G Scamarcio, FK Tittel, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 227, 539-546, 2016
Ultimately sensitive organic bioelectronic transistor sensors by materials and device structure design
RA Picca, K Manoli, E Macchia, L Sarcina, C Di Franco, N Cioffi, D Blasi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (20), 1904513, 2020
Terahertz quartz enhanced photo-acoustic sensor
S Borri, P Patimisco, A Sampaolo, HE Beere, DA Ritchie, MS Vitiello, ...
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), 2013
Interfacial electronic effects in functional biolayers integrated into organic field-effect transistors
MD Angione, S Cotrone, M Magliulo, A Mallardi, D Altamura, C Giannini, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (17), 6429-6434, 2012
Effect of interfacial bonding on the structural and vibrational properties of InAs/GaSb superlattices
N Herres, F Fuchs, J Schmitz, KM Pavlov, J Wagner, JD Ralston, P Koidl, ...
Physical Review B 53 (23), 15688, 1996
Intrinsic stability of quantum cascade lasers against optical feedback
FP Mezzapesa, LL Columbo, M Brambilla, M Dabbicco, S Borri, ...
Optics express 21 (11), 13748-13757, 2013
High-performance superlattice quantum cascade lasers
F Capasso, A Tredicucci, C Gmachl, DL Sivco, AL Hutchinson, AY Cho, ...
IEEE Journal of selected Topics In quantum electronics 5 (3), 792-807, 1999
Widely-tunable mid-infrared fiber-coupled quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for environmental monitoring
MS De Cumis, S Viciani, S Borri, P Patimisco, A Sampaolo, G Scamarcio, ...
Optics Express 22 (23), 28222-28231, 2014
Thermal modeling of GaInAs∕ AlInAs quantum cascade lasers
A Lops, V Spagnolo, G Scamarcio
Journal of applied physics 100 (4), 2006
About the amplification factors in organic bioelectronic sensors
E Macchia, RA Picca, K Manoli, C Di Franco, D Blasi, L Sarcina, ...
Materials Horizons 7 (4), 999-1013, 2020
First order Raman scattering in GaN
A Cingolani, M Ferrara, M Lugara, G Scamarcio
Solid state communications 58 (11), 823-824, 1986
A quartz enhanced photo-acoustic gas sensor based on a custom tuning fork and a terahertz quantum cascade laser
P Patimisco, S Borri, A Sampaolo, HE Beere, DA Ritchie, MS Vitiello, ...
Analyst 139 (9), 2079-2087, 2014
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