Gaia Giordano
Gaia Giordano
Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology
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Detecting drugs in dry bone: A pilot study of skeletal remains with a post-mortem interval over 23 years
G Giordano, L Biehler-Gomez, P Seneci, C Cattaneo, D Di Candia
International Journal of Legal Medicine 135, 457-463, 2021
The appearance of breast cancer metastases on dry bone: Implications for forensic anthropology
L Biehler-Gomez, G Giordano, C Cattaneo
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 61, 5-12, 2019
Drugs in bone: Detectability of substances of toxicological interest in different states of preservation
L Franceschetti, D Di Candia, G Giordano, I Carabelli, G Vignali, ...
Journal of Forensic Sciences 66 (2), 677-686, 2021
The overlooked primary: bladder cancer metastases on dry bone. A study of the 20th century CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection
L Biehler-Gomez, G Giordano, C Cattaneo
International journal of paleopathology 24, 130-140, 2019
Mercury poisoning in two patients with tertiary syphilis from the Ca’Granda hospital (17th‐century Milan)
L Biehler‐Gomez, M Mattia, C Sala, G Giordano, D Di Candia, C Messina, ...
Archaeometry 64 (2), 500-510, 2022
How do drugs affect the skeleton? Implications for forensic anthropology
N Márquez-Grant, E Baldini, V Jeynes, L Biehler-Gomez, L Aoukhiyad, ...
Biology 11 (4), 524, 2022
A unique case of death by MDPHP with no other co-ingestion: a forensic toxicology case
D Di Candia, M Boracchi, B Ciprandi, G Giordano, R Zoja
International Journal of Legal Medicine 136 (5), 1291-1296, 2022
Postmortem forensic toxicology cases: A retrospective review from Milan, Italy
D Di Candia, G Giordano, M Boracchi, R Zoja
Journal of forensic sciences 67 (4), 1640-1650, 2022
Multiple myeloma bone lesions in skeletal remains: Report of two known cases from the 20th century CAL Milano Cemetery Skeletal Collection
L Biehler‐Gomez, G Giordano, C Cattaneo
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 29 (1), 101-107, 2019
Papaver somniferum in seventeenth century (Italy): archaeotoxicological study on brain and bone samples in patients from a hospital in Milan
G Giordano, M Mattia, L Biehler-Gomez, M Boracchi, S Tritella, E Maderna, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3390, 2023
Forensic toxicological analyses reveal the use of cannabis in Milano (Italy) in the 1600's
G Giordano, M Mattia, M Boracchi, L Biehler‐Gomez, M Cummaudo, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 160, 105873, 2023
A case of thallium intoxication by walking in a field
D Di Candia, L Biehler-Gomez, G Giordano, C Cattaneo
Forensic science international: reports 2, 100102, 2020
Histological paraffin-embedded block: a good alternative specimen to detect the use of opiates at least 20 years ago
D Di Candia, M Boracchi, G Gentile, G Giordano, R Zoja
Forensic Toxicology 40 (2), 302-311, 2022
Water-related atmospheric agents and solubility: two parameters of validation in toxicological screening on clothing worn by skeletal remains
G Giordano, G Caccia, M Boracchi, F Sardanelli, C Cattaneo, D Di Candia
International Journal of Legal Medicine 137 (4), 1051-1057, 2023
Work-related and non-work-related fatal road accidents: Assessment of psychoactive substance use in commuting
A Blandino, S Tambuzzi, R Cotroneo, D Di Candia, A Battistini, ...
Medicine, Science and the Law 63 (2), 140-150, 2023
Towards an integrative approach to the biological profile
L Biehler-Gomez, G Giordano, F Sardanelli, D Di Candia, C Cattaneo
Legal Medicine 71, 102499, 2024
Forensic toxicology backdates the use of coca plant (Erythroxylum spp.) in Europe to the early 1600s
G Giordano, M Mattia, L Biehler‐Gomez, M Boracchi, A Porro, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 170, 106040, 2024
Chemical investigation of biological trace evidence; toxicological screening of waste residues obtained from DNA extraction processes
D Di Candia, G Giordano, M Boracchi, P Bailo, P Primignani, A Piccinini, ...
International Journal of Legal Medicine 138 (3), 721-730, 2024
Distribuzione degli oppioidi nel fegato umano: valutazione delle differenze di concentrazione negli otto segmenti epatici e considerazioni a fini forensi. Studio pilota post-mortem
S Restucci, S Martinelli, G Giordano, M Boracchi, S Tambuzzi, A Battistini, ...
Toxicological analysis in victims of sexual and domestic violence: A retrospective study of a 3-year period (2018–2020)
D Di Candia, L Franceschetti, G Giordano, VG Merelli, GL Attisano, ...
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 99, 102578, 2023
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